Mental Illness Awareness Week 2021

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The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day is Mental Health in an Unequal World. There remain various inequalities to accessing services for many individuals across the globe. This theme encourages people to focus on the issues that increase mental health inequality worldwide and how we can help tackle this inequality.

World Teachers’ Day 2021

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October 5th is World Teachers’ Day. This day is celebrated annually to recognize and honour all the hard work teachers do worldwide each and every day. Students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) face a number of challenges in the education system. Teachers and school staff play an important role in ensuring students with FASD succeed in school.   

National Truth and Reconciliation Day 2021

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Due to the recent discoveries of unmarked grave sites at former residential schools, it is more important than ever that we take action to support Indigenous communities; remember the children who were sent away and never made it home; and honour the survivors. September 30this a day that opens the door to global discussion, education, and reconciliation.

It’s Time for a National FASD Strategy

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FASD is a lifelong disability that affects the brain and body of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol. Due to the complexity of this disability and the disproportionate impacts it has on various populations, individuals with FASD are struggling. It’s time for a National FASD Strategy.