Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC) dedicates the month of May to raising public awareness about communication health. May is also Vision Health Month. Today we’re looking at FASD and the impacts of prenatal alcohol exposure on speech, hearing, and vision.
Meet the newest addition to our Network!
We are excited to announce a new member to our Network! Dr. Melissa Tremblay, a longstanding expert in the field of FASD, has accepted the position of CanFASD’s Indigenous Liaison.
Successful Launch of CanFASD’s Pilot Trainee Program
This year, CanFASD launched and piloted an exciting new program for students and early career researchers in Canada working in the field of FASD.
Upcoming CanFASD Webinars
We have three webinars coming up in the next few weeks as part of our CanFASD Webinar Series. Read on to learn more! Emerging Research in Action: CanFASD Trainee Webinar Series Part 1 Friday May 27, 2022 at 1:00pm EDT The CanFASD Trainee program is a new initiative helping students and early career researchers across Canada become more engaged in and … Read More
Why it is Important to Include the Voice of Families in Research
Sunday May 15th is the International Day of Families. In honour of this celebration, we asked members of our Family Advisory Committee why they believe it is important for families to be included in research on FASD. Here are some of their responses:
National Nursing Week 2022
This week (May 9th to 15th) is National Nursing Week. Tomorrow, May 12th is also International Nurses Day! These awareness events were created to celebrate the contributions nurses make to the wellbeing of Canadians and to showcase the many roles that nurses play in our health-care journey.
Join Our Team!
We have several positions open – both paid and volunteer – that we are currently recruiting for.
Article Summary: Changes in Brain and Behaviour with Low Levels of PAE
Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can affect children’s development. For example, heavy PAE is related to problems with behaviour and learning, which are likely caused by changes to the brain. However, we do not know much about how lower amounts of PAE affect children’s brains.
April 23rd is World Book Day!
Reading is known to expand your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can reduce stress, improve mental health, and increase one’s lifespan. It is also known to promote wellness, improve relationships, increase knowledge, and promote restful sleep.
CanFASD’s Submission to the Study on Children’s Health
A month ago, CanFASD made a submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) to recognize and address FASD for their children’s health study.