CanFASD is proud to present a webinar series geared towards enhancing shared understandings of FASD and promoting integration of evidence across multiple settings.

Upcoming Webinars

Building Stability: Innovative Housing Strategies for Individuals with FASD

April 26th, 2024 11am MT / 1pm EST

Description: In this webinar, participants will learn about the ongoing ChOoSE research initiative where the goal is to co-create innovative housing solutions for those with FASD. The webinar will also include a presentation from a member of the CanFASD AFECT committee, sharing his experience with finding successful housing as an adult with FASD.

Apply to Present

If you are interested in presenting a webinar, check out the application process.

Past Webinars

All past webinars can be viewed on our YouTube channel or follow the links below.