Together for FASD: A Conference Overview

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Red sneakers propped up on a table with a white table cloth to bring attention to the Red Shoes Rock movement

In June, CanFASD hosted a one-day conference on FASD in New Brunswick with help from several local partners. The event sold out within two weeks and there were over 200 people in attendance. The goal of this conference was to share knowledge, empower connections, and inspire action for FASD among the Atlantic provinces.

2017 FASD Research Award Winner Dr. Kelly Harding

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Megaphone saying call for applications: Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award. Deadline extended: 19 November 2021

“Winning the Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award helped to forge new paths in my career. Winning the award not only validated my skills and achievements as an early career researcher, but also helped me make connections and build my network with other researchers in the field, both in Canada and internationally.”

2021 FASD Research Award Winner Dr. Brianne Redquest

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Megaphone saying call for applications: Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award. Deadline extended: 19 November 2021

“As an early researcher, I wasn’t always confident and often doubted my skillset as a researcher. After receiving this award, it gave me the boost of confidence I really needed, gaining more confidence in myself as a researcher and reassuring the importance of my work and its positive impact on caregivers of children with FASD.”