2017 FASD Research Award Winner Dr. Kelly Harding

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Megaphone saying call for applications: Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award. Deadline extended: 19 November 2021

“Winning the Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award helped to forge new paths in my career. Winning the award not only validated my skills and achievements as an early career researcher, but also helped me make connections and build my network with other researchers in the field, both in Canada and internationally.”

2021 FASD Research Award Winner Dr. Brianne Redquest

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Megaphone saying call for applications: Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award. Deadline extended: 19 November 2021

“As an early researcher, I wasn’t always confident and often doubted my skillset as a researcher. After receiving this award, it gave me the boost of confidence I really needed, gaining more confidence in myself as a researcher and reassuring the importance of my work and its positive impact on caregivers of children with FASD.”

International Stress Week 2021

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Illustration of a woman in a white shirt and black pants sitting on the ground with her knees up and her head on her knees in stress.

Stress is a normal response our bodies experience in certain situations and environments. Small doses of stress help us function by helping us meet deadlines, get places on time, and prepare for important events. However, consistently high levels of stress can be detrimental to our health.

Disability Employment Awareness Month 2021

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Disability Employment Awareness Month is a national holiday that happens annually in October. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness of the importance of disability inclusion and celebrate the contributions that people with disabilities have made to the workforce.