The researchers of this study reviewed the literature on transition planning processes for youth with FASD across Canada to determine the strengths and challenges of the existing tools and provide some recommendations for families to successfully navigate the transition from youth to adulthood.
Article Summary #15: Prenatal care of women who give birth to children with FASD
Documenting if women who gave birth to children with FASD had access to adequate prenatal health care is the first step in understanding the role that these services play in helping to reduce prenatal alcohol exposure. However, few studies have investigated the rates of prenatal care use by women who have given birth to children with FASD.
Article Summary #13: Barriers to screening for alcohol and drug use
Although health care professionals in maternity care settings play a major role in screening, researchers have shown that this screening is not consistently occurring. Existing research has identified some of the barriers that women who are pregnant face when accessing prenatal care, however, very little research has been done to explore the barriers that primary care workers face when providing care.
Article Summary #12: Technology-Based Interventions Among Women of Childbearing Age
Many behavioural interventions have been developed aimed at reducing alcohol and illicit drug use among women of childbearing age. However, these traditional interventions are not always effective. Technology-based interventions (TBIs) have many advantages over traditional interventions.There is growing evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of TBIs in changing health behaviours, but it is unclear whether TBIs are useful in preventing or reducing substance use.
FASD and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Researchers from CanFASD and other partner organizations have recently published a new paper on FASD and early life adversity called Characterizing Adverse Childhood Experiences among Children and Adolescents with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. You can access the paper for free until February 19th. FASD and Adversity Individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and FASD experience brain-based … Read More
New FASD Research: December 2020
Here is a brief summary of some of the latest research published on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Prevention Differential Effects of Maternal Diets on Birth Outcomes and Metabolic Parameters in Rats After Ethanol Consumption during Pregnancy Maternal nutrition plays an important role in the development of FASD, but researchers have a limited understanding of how exactly this occurs. The … Read More
Article Summary #11: Mental Health and Affect Regulation in FASD
This Article Summary is part of our CanFASD Connect Top Articles Summary Series. Over the next several months, we will be bringing you summaries of all the recent research papers from our list of the Top FASD Articles of 2019. This is an overview of a recent research paper called Mental Health and Affect Regulation Impairment in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder … Read More
Article Summary #10: Recent advances in FASD for mental health professionals
This Article Summary is part of our CanFASD Connect Top Articles Summary Series. Over the next several months, we will be bringing you summaries of all the recent research papers from our list of the Top FASD Articles of 2019. This is an overview of a research article called Recent advances in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder for mental health professionals. Background: … Read More
Article Summary #9: Comorbid Mental Health Challenges in Adults with FASD
This Article Summary is part of our new CanFASD Connect Top Articles Summary Series. Over the next several months, we will be bringing you summaries of all the recent research papers from our list of the Top FASD Articles of 2019. This is an overview of a recent research paper called Substance use, comorbid psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts in … Read More
New FASD Research: November 2020
Here is a brief summary of some of the latest research published on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Prevention Prevention of Alcohol‐Exposed Pregnancies and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder among Pregnant and Postpartum Women: A Systematic Review Effective interventions are needed to support women and girls to have healthy pregnancies. The researchers of this study conducted a systematic review of the … Read More