“As an early researcher, I wasn’t always confident and often doubted my skillset as a researcher. After receiving this award, it gave me the boost of confidence I really needed, gaining more confidence in myself as a researcher and reassuring the importance of my work and its positive impact on caregivers of children with FASD.”
Celebrating Seven Years of our FASD Research Award
With the deadline for the Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award fast approaching, we followed up with past recipients to learn where their research is at now and how winning this award impacted them, both personally and professionally.
Article Summary #7: Self-Regulation Strategies in Adolescents with FASD
The goal of the study was to explore the use of self-regulation strategies in adolescents with FASD. To do this, researchers recruited 27 adolescents between the ages of 11-17 through local FASD clinics in Edmonton and Vancouver and used a modified version of the Alert Program to teach adolescents about self-regulation strategies.
Applications for the 2022 Dr. Sterling Clarren Award Now Open
The Canada FASD Research Network is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2022 Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award!
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, Brain Development, and Mental Health
Mental health challenges are common in children, youth, and adults with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). If these challenges are not treated, they can persist for many years. Many mental health problems first emerge in adolescence, but we don’t know a lot about exactly how and when mental health problems begin for people with PAE.
Volunteers Needed for a Research Study on Substance Use and Addiction
The University of Alberta is currently conducting a research study on substance use and addiction treatment for adults who have or may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
New Webinar: Emerging FASD Research in Canada
From the stresses of COVID-19 on individuals with FASD and their families to ground-breaking brain imaging findings to hopeful interventions for motivation and self-regulation, this webinar has something for everyone from all backgrounds.
Article Summary: Self Care for Caregivers
Finding stress management techniques for caregivers of children with FASD is very important. Self-care is an important resource to improve caregiver physical and mental health.
Announcing the 2021 Sterling Clarren Award recipient!
We are excited to announce that this year’s recipient for the Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award is Dr. Brianne Redquest for her research on understanding and reducing stress in caregivers of individuals with FASD.
Top FASD Research Articles of 2020
Every January CanFASD does a literature search for research that was published within the previous year. This year the search revealed over 400 articles published on FASD in 2020.