The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) supports the CCSA’s new guidance on alcohol use and health released this week.
FASD Advocates Criticize SNL for Inappropriate Sketch
Unfortunately, not all news we get to share is good news. Over the weekend, NBC’s Saturday Night Live published an inappropriate sketch featuring a character with prenatal alcohol exposure.
National Accessibility Week and FASD
There are a number of people, organizations, and initiatives across Canada that are working to break down barriers to accessibility and inclusion for individuals with FASD. Here’s some of the amazing stories that we’ve seen over the past year.
#FeatureFriday – FASD in Canadian news
People with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) can have difficult and stigmatizing experiences throughout their lives, as can women who drink alcohol while pregnant. For people who have never knowingly met someone with FASD, the news media could play a key role in shaping their understanding of FASD, alcohol, and pregnancy.
Attend a Virtual Presentation from the 2020 Sterling Clarren Award Winner!
We’re excited to announce that the 2020 Sterling Clarren Award winner is John Aspler from McGill University! John is completing his doctoral thesis analyzing the discourse surrounding FASD, alcohol, and pregnancy in major Canadian print news sources.