Earlier this spring, we released more emerging findings from our CARE Study (Caregiver Approaches, Resiliencies and Experiences Raising Individuals with FASD).
Weaving the Voices of Lived Experience and Research into the National Framework
Despite the high prevalence rate of individuals with FASD, Canada does not have a National FASD framework.
Celebrating Education Day 2022
“Education is a human right, a public good, and a public responsibility.” By working together, schools and families can support and maintain an education system that is inclusive to all. It is our public responsibility to do so.
World Teachers’ Day 2021
October 5th is World Teachers’ Day. This day is celebrated annually to recognize and honour all the hard work teachers do worldwide each and every day. Students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) face a number of challenges in the education system. Teachers and school staff play an important role in ensuring students with FASD succeed in school.
Dear Mr. C. – A Letter to my Teacher
This letter had a big impact on K’s situation. Not only did it help her feel better and more empowered to share her story, but her teacher also made changes to improve the classroom environment.
Supporting Self-Regulation for Back to School
Self-regulation is the ability to control and regulate our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in response to our environment. Self-regulation includes how we manage stress, how we control our emotional arousal, and how we manage our impulses.
Prevalence of FASD in Kindergarten & Developmental Health
The authors of the current study had two primary objectives: (1) to determine the prevalence of teacher-reported diagnosis of FASD in kindergarten children; and (2) to determine the developmental health of children with FASD. A secondary objective of the study was to compare the prevalence of problems at home between children with FASD and children with other neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD).
#FeatureFridays – Our School Staff
In honour of the International Day of Education, we created a contest to celebrate the work that school staff across Canada have done to support individuals with FASD. We asked Canadians to nominate those teachers, principals, bus drivers, and administrators who have gone above and beyond to help their students succeed. These are some of our favorite entries!
Article Summary: Prevalence of FASD and associated costs of special education in Canadian schools
In this series, we summarize newly published research articles about FASD and break them down for the CanFASD reader. Please contact us to request a topic and we will look for articles that fit your interests. Special Education of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (2016). Authors: Svetlana Popova, Shannon Lange, Larry Burd, Seungree Nam, & Jurgen Rehm Journal Information: Exceptionality, 24, 165-175. DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2015.1064415 This study … Read More