FASD Research and Innovation Award Updates

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Claudette Bradshaw FASD Innovation Award applications open Application deadline: February 3, 2021 This award recognizes work of the Honourable Claudette Bradshaw and the many years of service she’s dedicated to the fields of FASD, early education, and homelessness. It is intended for an individual, agency, or organization that has developed an innovative intervention that has made a substantial contribution to … Read More

2021 Dr. Sterling Clarren Award Applications Open

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The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) Dr. Sterling Clarren Research Award has been named in honour of Dr. Sterling Clarren to recognize his pioneering contribution and leadership in the field of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The award is presented annually to a Canadian graduate student or early career researcher in recognition of a study that has made a substantial contribution to the FASD field.