We Want to Hear from You!

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One of the goals of the CanFASD blog is to build knowledge of FASD and share this knowledge across communities. We want to help you learn about research that is meaningful and relevant to you, and we are trying to do this in a couple of ways: Over the years, CanFASD has written a series of issue papers to highlight … Read More

Welcome to Dr. Kaitlyn McLachlan – New CanFASD Research Lead

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CanFASD is pleased to announce Dr. Kaitlyn McLachlan has joined CanFASD as a Research Lead in Justice. Dr. Kaitlyn McLachlan is an Assistant Professor in the CPA-accredited Clinical Psychology program at the University of Guelph. Dr. McLachlan is a Psychologist (C. Psych) who completed graduate training (MA, PhD) with a forensic specialization at Simon Fraser University, and subsequent postdoctoral training … Read More

CanFASD Responds to Federal Budget

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Please enjoy an opinion piece from CanFASD Research Network Executive Director, Audrey McFarlane. Reconciliation. Advancement. Growth. Progress. These four words are the section titles for this year’s Federal Budget. Finance Minister Bill Morneau gave a rousing speech in the House of Commons to introduce the ambitious, wide-ranging plan. He concluded by saying: “We will continue to work hard.  To show Canada … Read More

Article Summary: Housing Interventions for Homeless, Pregnant, and Parenting Women

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Housing interventions for homeless, pregnant/parenting women with addictions: A systematic review  Journal: Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless Authors: Jessica Krahn, Vera Caine, Jean Chaw-Kent, and Ameeta Singh This article reviews the literature on the issues facing homeless women and examines whether housing interventions demonstrate an impact for homeless, pregnant/parenting women with addictions.  First, here is what the Canadian Observatory … Read More

Northwest Territories is Improving Supports for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Autism

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Congratulations to the Northwest Territories for their commitment to advancing FASD and autism services! On March 7, 2018, Minister of Health and Social Services, Glen Abernethy, spoke in legislature about the concrete steps the NWT is taking to enhance its services for those with disabilities. CanFASD Board Chair, Tim Moorhouse, was in the legislature when this announcement was made and he … Read More

Determining Prenatal Alcohol Exposure for FASD Diagnostic Clinics

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Dr. Leigh Wincott and Dr. Hasmukhlal Rajani have written two pieces on important aspects of the making of an FASD diagnosis according to the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): a guideline for diagnosis across the lifespan. Dr. Wincott addresses how teams address the determination of prenatal alcohol exposure for a diagnostic assessment and Dr. Rajani expands on alcohol consumption, prenatal alcohol exposure, … Read More

Article Summary: Post-incarceration Experiences of Adults with FASD & Mental Illness

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Please note: In an earlier version of this post, Dr. Melissa Stoops was incorrectly listed as a student researcher. Dr. Melissa Stoops is a health researcher with a background in anthropology, community health, and epidemiology. Her research interests include population health, social perceptions and lived experiences of health and wellness, and health services and policies. The lived experience of paroled offenders … Read More

A Reflective Essay on Housing and FASD by Elizabeth Carlson

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Today’s post is a reflection piece by Elizabeth Carlson, a PhD student from the University of Alberta. You can reach her at emcarlso@ualberta.ca to continue the conversation about housing initiatives for individuals with FASD.   As a student member of the Alberta Clinical and Community-Based Evaluation Research Team (ACCERT), at the University of Alberta I have the privilege of being … Read More

Top Articles of 2017

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CanFASD staff, researchers, and Family Advisory Committee members worked together in selecting certain articles to highlight some of the work that has been published over the last year in the field of FASD. Over 520 papers published on FASD in 2017 were narrowed down to a final list of 35 that focus on CanFASD’s areas of emphasis in FASD prevention, intervention, … Read More