New eLearning courses available for justice and solicitor general professionals!

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Our new Level II courses are designed for professionals working in the Legal and Judicial, and Solicitor General systems. They provide learners with a better understanding of how FASD impacts a person’s involvement with the justice system, challenge some of the common assumptions about FASD and justice-involvement, and provide helpful strategies and suggestions for working with justice-involved individuals with FASD. There are also interactive case examples to help reinforce the course content.

Looking for research participants for an online study!

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Researchers at the University of British Columbia are conducting a study on chronic health in young adults diagnosed with FASD or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Specifically, we are interested in how brain impairment and physical health are related in this population, and how they affect the quality of day to day life.

Mental Health for Caregivers of Individuals with FASD

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It is well documented that caregivers of children with disabilities experience increased levels of stress. But caregivers of children with FASD have been shown to experience higher levels of stress than most people. In a 2009 study, 92% of primary caregivers of individuals with FASD had clinically elevated stress levels. These number show that finding effective ways for caregivers to manage stress is especially important for this population.

FASD and Mental Health for Professionals

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One in five Canadians experience challenges with mental health. This proportion is high, but the stats are even higher for individuals with FASD. Researchers have shown that approximately 90% of people with FASD experience mental health issues. These numbers show that mental health is an extremely important consideration when discussing needs, supports, and resources for individuals with FASD.