Why did I choose to wear red shoes, and what do they signify to me? That is not exactly an easy question to answer in a short time, but please let me attempt to do that here.
September is FASD Awareness Month
Every day in September we are spreading the word about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). We will continue to share information about FASD throughout September and beyond in the hopes of bringing all Canadians together to address this disability.
Diagnosing People with FASD using Telehealth
Telehealth has been suggested as an effective means of providing FASD assessment and diagnosis to rural and remote communities. However, only three Manitoba-based studies have explored the effectiveness and experiences of FASD telehealth programs.
Prevalence of FASD in Kindergarten & Developmental Health
The authors of the current study had two primary objectives: (1) to determine the prevalence of teacher-reported diagnosis of FASD in kindergarten children; and (2) to determine the developmental health of children with FASD. A secondary objective of the study was to compare the prevalence of problems at home between children with FASD and children with other neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD).
Article Summary #2: Relation Between Adaptive Function and IQ
Impaired adaptive function and communication abilities may prevent individuals with PAE from successfully functioning independently and may impact them academically, socially, and occupationally.
New Webinar: Supporting Self-Regulation
Self-regulation is important in our daily lives, but individuals with FASD often experience challenges with self-regulation. In this webinar, Dr. Jacqueline Pei will explain the concept of self-regulation and how it relates to individuals with FASD. She will provide examples of strategies to improve self-regulation as well as describe the growing number of evidence-based interventions.
Research Participants Needed for Families Facing COVID-19 Study
Researchers from across Canada are looking to study how the pandemic has changed the lives of neurodiverse individuals and their families. They are asking for families of children, youth, and adults with FASD to complete a short online survey about their experiences during COVID-19.
CanFASD responds to new FASD Assessment training resource
Canada has had an evidence-based FASD diagnostic guideline since 2005. This guideline was updated in 2015 to reflect new research in the field. The majority of FASD diagnostic clinics in Canada are using this guideline and we recommend that they continue to do so.
Life with COVID-19 from a Caregivers’ Perspective
We are finally confident that people will understand what we mean when we say life is unpredictable and sometimes feels like it is spiralling out of control. It took a pandemic to have others experience what our lives are like routinely.
FASD Month 2020 is Almost Here!
One day is not enough. Like many of you, we recognize September as FASD Month and encourage all our followers to continue to work towards increased awareness of FASD throughout FASD Month and beyond.