Many individuals with FASD are prescribed a large number of medications at the same time, which can cause harmful side effects. A medication algorithm can help address this problem.
What FASD is: a caregiver’s perspective
When asked to write this blog on what FASD means to me, I struggled. FASD is a complicated disability with many challenging aspects. I finally decided that, in my experience, FASD to this point has meant missed opportunities.
What FASD Awareness means to CanFASD
Raising awareness of FASD in Canada can help us to overcome stigma and stereotypes and improve supports and services to address FASD.
2021 Dr. Sterling Clarren Award Applications Open
The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) Dr. Sterling Clarren Research Award has been named in honour of Dr. Sterling Clarren to recognize his pioneering contribution and leadership in the field of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The award is presented annually to a Canadian graduate student or early career researcher in recognition of a study that has made a substantial contribution to the FASD field.
A caregiver’s perspective on what FASD is
I often wonder if my child’s FASD was consistently recognized from a disability lens, while framed within a strengths-based approach for interventions and support, would life be just a slight bit easier to manage?
What FASD is from a research perspective
This definition helps us understand what FASD is. But it can be a little complicated to understand all at once. So, let’s break this down.
New Webinar: Refreshing our Conversations about Alcohol
Reaching women in childbearing years and their support networks through respectful conversations about alcohol is key to FASD prevention.
What FASD Means to Me
Caregiving has meant making my kids live on their own, knowing that they may fail, but also knowing I needed to keep others safe. Sleeping when I did not know where my child was, praying continually that they would live through the night.
4 Unique Ways Canadians are Celebrating FASD Day During a Pandemic
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, FASD awareness events and activities are a little bit different this year. Here are four unique campaigns that are doing a great job of raising awareness of FASD during the pandemic.
Supporting Self-Regulation for Back to School
Self-regulation is the ability to control and regulate our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in response to our environment. Self-regulation includes how we manage stress, how we control our emotional arousal, and how we manage our impulses.