New Webinar: #WineMoms

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Register now for our newest webinar on Wednesday July 28th at 1:00pm eastern time. The webinar, #WineMom: Humour and empowerment or binge drinking and mental health challenges? will discuss the ‘wine mom’ culture and how alcohol is used to subvert the idea of perfection in motherhood on social media. The webinar will follow a panel discussion hosted by Ana Andrade from the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, with co-presenters Dr. Kelly Harding and … Read More

Summer Camps for Kids with FASD

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Graphic of orange tent opened with pine trees and mountains behind, centred in front of a starry sky with a rising moon.

Although camps are an excellent place for belonging, some children require their unique needs to be met for them to have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Children with FASD make up a group of children who may miss out on these experience because of these needs. Fortunately, within Canada there are a number of summer camps that have been specifically designed for children with FASD, which aim to create a positive summer camp experience for all.

Article Summary: Conceptualizing #winemoms in social media

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In Canada (and many other countries), women of childbearing age (i.e., between the ages 18 and 35) are consuming more alcohol than ever before. Despites the potential health and social consequences associated with alcohol consumption, its use is increasingly being normalized as part of a stress management regime to cope with day-to-day life.