Register now for our first webinar of 2022: Optimizing Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for People with FASD!
Article Summary #13: Prenatal Alcohol and Preschool Child Stress
The purpose of this German study was to examine EtG and basal cortisol activity (baseline stress) in preschoolers aged 6-9 years to determine if EtG could be an effective biomarker of PAE.
Article Summary #11: PAE and Developmental Programming of Mental Illness
There have been numerous research studies examining the impacts of high-dose alcohol consumption during pregnancy on postnatal development. However, there are not many studies on low and early dose effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the offspring’s mental health.
Article Summary #10: Self-Regulation and Emotional Reactivity in Infants with Prenatal Exposure
Over the last 13 years, there has been a 127% increase in opioid use disorders during pregnancy. However, developmental challenges associated with prenatal substance exposure have been under-explored, with no prior studies examining the combined effects of opioids and alcohol use during pregnancy.
Meet Our 2021 Art Competition Winner!
CanFASD has run an art competition every year since 2016 to showcase the creativity of Canadians with FASD. We accept paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and everything in between.
Article Summary #9: Dog-Assisted Therapy for Children and Adolescents with FASD
Dog Assisted Therapy (DAT) has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression and improve social skills in individuals with physical and mental challenges. It has also been shown to be an effective strategy for children with neurodevelopmental disorders, like Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD. However, until now, there have been no studies on the impact of DAT in children and adolescents with FASD.
Health Canada Updates their FASD Page
Last month, Health Canada released their new information page on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This update is a huge step forward towards increased consistency, reduced confusion, and improved understanding of FASD in Canada.
Celebrating the International Day of People with Disabilities
December 3rd is recognized as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. First established in 1992, this awareness day promote the rights and well-beings of people with increases awareness of the experiences of individuals with disabilities through a political, social, economic, and cultural lens.
12 Days of Mocktails is Back
Throughout the month of December, we will be ringing in the holiday season with our annual #12DaysofMocktails campaign to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
National Addictions Awareness Week 2021
Substance use is a complex issue that requires a wide range of perspectives and a collective effort. Everyone needs to work together towards a healthy future for people who use substances.