Register now for our newest webinar on March 4, 2022 at 1:00pm EST. The two recipients of this year’s Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award, Drs. Preeti Kar and Melody Morton Ninomiya, will be presenting their research. There will also be a guest appearance by none other than Dr. Sterling Clarren himself! What is the FASD Research Award? The Dr. … Read More
Human Trafficking and FASD
Yesterday, February 22nd, was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The awareness day came to pass after a unanimous agreement from Members of Parliament to condemn all forms of human trafficking and slavery. It is is dedicated to raising awareness of human trafficking and encourage Canadians to advocate on behalf of survivors to end human trafficking.
Announcing the 2022 FASD Research Award Recipients
We are excited to announce this year’s Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award recipients! Yes, recipients, plural. We are celebrating the work of two incredible early-career researchers this year.
Internet Safety for People with FASD
All parents are concerned about the safety of their children on the Internet and social media. From chatting to searches, the Internet is a vast territory of information and connections that can lead to potentially dangerous situations. Caregivers of people with FASD often have additional worries about how to raise their children in a digital world.
New Webinar: Understanding the FASD Diagnosis
This webinar will provide an overview of the FASD diagnostic guidelines and the process of clinic. It will assist families, service providers and policy makers to better understand the elements that make up an FASD diagnosis and what you can expect during the process.
February is Psychology Month!
Psychology Month is celebrated annually to highlight the contributions of Canadian psychologists. It aims to teach Canadians how psychology can help them, their families, and their communities live healthy, happy, and productive lives.
Let’s Talk About Stigma, Mental Health, and FASD
The goal of Bell Let’s Talk Day is to spread awareness of mental health issues, reduce stigma, increase accessibility to treatment, and make a positive change in the attitude towards mental illness nationally. This is an important opportunity to bring fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) into the conversation around mental health.
Celebrating Education Day 2022
“Education is a human right, a public good, and a public responsibility.” By working together, schools and families can support and maintain an education system that is inclusive to all. It is our public responsibility to do so.
Employment Services for People with FASD
Employment can be an important part of creating a positive identity and increasing self-esteem, but people with FASD often face challenges finding and maintaining meaningful employment.
FASD Advocates Criticize SNL for Inappropriate Sketch
Unfortunately, not all news we get to share is good news. Over the weekend, NBC’s Saturday Night Live published an inappropriate sketch featuring a character with prenatal alcohol exposure.