This is the seventh year of our CanFASD Art Competition! This event showcases the creativity of Canadians with FASD. Tomorrow is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities so we thought this was the perfect time to announce our art competition winner.
Celebrating Strengths of Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This Saturday, December 3rd is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This is a United Nations holiday that aims to increase understanding of disability issues and promote the dignity, rights, and wellbeing of people with disabilities.
Celebrate Giving Tuesday with CanFASD
It takes a village to ignite real change, so we’re thrilled to have such an amazing network of people across Canada and around the world who support us in helping spark change for people with FASD.
Substance Use Treatment with People with FASD
It is National Addictions Awareness Week. In celebration, we wanted to share a little bit about a project we are working on to improve substance use treatment in individuals with FASD.
FASD Prevention Seminar Series: Level 3 & 4 Holistic Support in Pregnancy and Postpartum
The third level of the FASD Prevention Model includes specialized prenatal support and the provision of respectful and holistic care and treatment for girls and women who are using alcohol during pregnancy, and have related health, social, and financial concerns.
Working with The Towards Healthy Outcomes Framework: Lessons from a Graduate Research Assistant
Since 2018, I have worked on several research projects related to the Towards Healthy Outcomes (THO) framework… I would like to share some of what I have learned with you here.
School experiences for students with FASD: CARE Study Update
Our C.A.R.E. Study: Caregiver Approaches, Resiliencies, and Experiences Raising Individuals with FASD, is well underway. The survey was launched last year during FASD Awareness Month. We’ve received over 140 responses from people all over the world since then.
New Webinar: Substance Use and Treatment
On November 18, 2022 at 1:00pm EST, join us for a webinar on Substance Use and Treatment in FASD Populations.
Looking for caregivers to join our Family Advisory Committee!
We are looking for people who care for those with FASD from Alberta, Manitoba, and the Yukon to be part of our Family Advisory Committee.
CanFASD Celebrates Open Access Week 2022
At CanFASD, we recognize the value in open access research as it helps us to share our research knowledge about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) with a larger number of people. To celebrate Open Access Week, we’d like to highlight a few of our more recent open-access publications.