CanFASD recently released a new issue paper, Why FASD Diagnostic Assessment is Important. Below is a short summary.
New Webinar: Thinking About FASD Month
Join us for our next webinar happening July 14th at 1:00 pm Eastern time!
Trainee Series: Learning about FASD through the eyes of criminal justice professionals
In what follows, I discuss the novel and interesting perspectives of professionals working in the criminal justice system and how and why my findings affected my learning journey.
Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day
Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day. Today we recognize and celebrate the heritage, cultures, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Board Member, Tim Moorhouse, retires
After eleven years with CanFASD, Tim Moorhouse will be stepping down from the Board of Directors this week, having completing his term with the Board.
Trainee Series: Cannabis Use in Adults with FASD
Although anecdotal evidence indicates that high rates of cannabis use in adults with FASD, we have a lot of unanswered questions about the potential impacts of such use.
Last call to participate in our study on strengths!
Our research study on strengths in adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is closing at the end of June. There are just over two weeks left for you to participate!
Trainee Series – Going Beyond Labels and Recognizing the Strengths of Individuals with FASD
While it is essential to recognize and address the challenges associated with FASD, a strength-based approach has allowed me to consider the unique strengths and positive characteristics of each individual with the disability.
CanFASD’s 2022-2023 Annual Report
This past year has been full of exciting, and meaningful progress in the FASD community!
Trainee Series: Considering Implicit Bias as a Mental Health Professional
As mental health professionals, it is our responsibility to engage in reflective practice and consider how assumptions, stigma, and implicit bias can impact our thinking and behaviour in the context of providing support to people with FASD.