Trainee Series: Application of FASD Screening Tools to Dangerous Offender Judgements

canfasdblogFeature Fridays, Guest Bloggers, Student Spotlight, Trainee ProgramLeave a Comment

Stephen Lee-Cheong poses in front of a white wall wearing a blazer and black t-shirt.

In spite of overrepresentation, people with FASD often go undetected in legal settings, as they may not show obvious physical characteristics and their impairments in mental functioning, while substantial, may be somewhat hidden. Unfortunately, this failure to detect FASD may result in poor treatment outcomes, increased risk of reoffending, and overall poorer health.

Feature Friday: How Canadian Psychology Programs support FASD learning for Future Psychologists

canfasdblogFeature Fridays, Guest Bloggers, Student Spotlight, Trainee ProgramLeave a Comment

Psychologists have a unique role in diagnosing, assessing, and supporting a variety of individuals with different mental health needs and disabilities, including individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Because of the diversity and unique characteristics of individuals with FASD, it is crucial that psychologists are prepared to support individuals and their families with the best evidence-based care.