Early life assessment of neurodevelopment and behaviour (NDB) can facilitate timely and meaningful intervention for young children at risk of negative outcomes. In the current study, researchers reviewed the literature to examine what has been learned over the last forty years about NDB difficulties in children with PAE in the first 2 years of life.
2021 Dr. Sterling Clarren Award Applications Open
The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) Dr. Sterling Clarren Research Award has been named in honour of Dr. Sterling Clarren to recognize his pioneering contribution and leadership in the field of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The award is presented annually to a Canadian graduate student or early career researcher in recognition of a study that has made a substantial contribution to the FASD field.
What FASD is from a research perspective
This definition helps us understand what FASD is. But it can be a little complicated to understand all at once. So, let’s break this down.
Diagnosing People with FASD using Telehealth
Telehealth has been suggested as an effective means of providing FASD assessment and diagnosis to rural and remote communities. However, only three Manitoba-based studies have explored the effectiveness and experiences of FASD telehealth programs.
Prevalence of FASD in Kindergarten & Developmental Health
The authors of the current study had two primary objectives: (1) to determine the prevalence of teacher-reported diagnosis of FASD in kindergarten children; and (2) to determine the developmental health of children with FASD. A secondary objective of the study was to compare the prevalence of problems at home between children with FASD and children with other neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD).
Article Summary #2: Relation Between Adaptive Function and IQ
Impaired adaptive function and communication abilities may prevent individuals with PAE from successfully functioning independently and may impact them academically, socially, and occupationally.
New Webinar: Supporting Self-Regulation
Self-regulation is important in our daily lives, but individuals with FASD often experience challenges with self-regulation. In this webinar, Dr. Jacqueline Pei will explain the concept of self-regulation and how it relates to individuals with FASD. She will provide examples of strategies to improve self-regulation as well as describe the growing number of evidence-based interventions.
Research Participants Needed for Families Facing COVID-19 Study
Researchers from across Canada are looking to study how the pandemic has changed the lives of neurodiverse individuals and their families. They are asking for families of children, youth, and adults with FASD to complete a short online survey about their experiences during COVID-19.
Alcohol warning labels to be mandatory in Australia and New Zealand
On July 17th, 2020 Food Ministers in Australia and New Zealand approved the health warning labels that are to be mandatory on alcohol containers. It is safest not to drink alcohol during pregnancy. These warning labels will remind consumers of this fact.
Article Summary #1: Assessment Measures used in Alberta
The researchers surveyed 19 clinics providing diagnostic services in Alberta, Canada to examine the consistencies and differences in clinical practice. The goal of this study is to bring awareness to areas where measures may be lacking and to identify tools being used in the diagnostic process, including those that are not suggested in the current Canadian guideline.