Sneak Peek: An Employment Success Story!

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Our survey is still open! Are you an adult with FASD who is working? Are you a caregiver or service provider for an adult with FASD who is working? Complete the survey here: Click here to download the poster: Employment Project Online Ad I’m excited to share with you a clip of a video from our employment success study. Blair gave … Read More

CanFASD Media Release: Consensus on the TRC’s Call to Action on FASD

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Reminder: Registration is now open for The 2017 National FASD Conference in Calgary October 24th to 27th.  Program information: Registration form: PDF: CanFASD Media Release on reaching consensus on enacting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to action on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 

CanFASD Advocates for an Accessible Canada for Individuals with FASD

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Did you know that the Government of Canada is developing new accessibility legislation? The goal is to promote equality of opportunity, and increase inclusion and participation of Canadians who have disabilities or functional limitations. They asked Canadians, What does an accessible Canada mean to you?  To create a more accessible Canada for individuals with FASD and their families, CanFASD believes … Read More

FASD in the News: How Far We’ve Come

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CanFASD Executive Director, Audrey McFarlane, reflects on the inspiring advances she’s seen in FASD research in Canada over the past 20 years in an article published on a Kelowna news site. See the original article here, published last week while the International Conference on FASD took place in Vancouver: This week UBC is hosting the world’s largest FASD research conference. The 7th … Read More

Welcome to CanFASD Connect!

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The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) is pleased to announce our new blog, CanFASD Connect. We’ve created this space for sharing research and policy about FASD, and engaging and interacting with our partners and followers about important issues in the field. Join us each week to read about newly published FASD research, book reviews, researcher profiles, program highlights, and more. For our first … Read More