We are thrilled to announce that the Canada FASD Conference is officially a sold-out event.
Celebrating International Self Care Day in 2023
Running between June, 24th and July 24th, self-care month celebrates the benefits of self-care and raises awareness of the importance of taking care of ourselves and eachother. The month culminates on International Self-Care Day on July 24th.
Saskatoon: the heart of the Canada FASD Conference
Saskatoon is a vibrant city in the West of Canada. Located around the South Saskatchewan River, it’s beautiful green spaces, interesting history and strong community of people committed to making a change for FASD makes it an excellent location for the Canada FASD Conference.
Last chance to submit your abstract!
Time is ticking! You have less than two weeks left to submit your abstract for the first ever Canada FASD Conference.
Support announced for families to attend the Canada FASD Conference
People with FASD, lived experience with FASD, and caregivers of people with FASD can now apply for financial support to attend the Canada FASD Conference this November.
Celebrating Strengths in FASD this Neurodiversity Week
Its Neurodiversity Celebration Week! We had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Katy Flannigan to talk about a new study we’re doing on strengths in adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Here are a few highlights from that conversation.
Registration Open for Canada FASD Conference!
You can now register for the Canada FASD Conference, happening November 7-9, 2023, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan!
New Webinar: Correctional Services and FASD
Join us for our newest webinar, A Conversation About Correctional Services and FASD, happening Friday, February 24 at 1:00pm EST.
Abstract Submission Open for the Canada FASD Conference!
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting abstract submissions for the Canada FASD Conference!
New Webinar: A Digital Handbook on Wraparound Programs
Join us and the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health at this one-hour webinar, Co-Creating Evidence: A Digital Handbook on Wraparound Programs on January 31, 2023 at 1:00pm EST.