Just Published: Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for FASD in Canada

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We’re highlighting a brand new article published by two of CanFASD’s research leads (Dr. Jacqueline Pei and Dr. Nancy Poole), CanFASD Executive Director (Audrey McFarlane), and two University of Alberta PhD students (Melissa Tremblay and Allison McNeil). Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for FASD in Canada is part of a special issue in the Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology covering … Read More

CanFASD Advocates for an Accessible Canada for Individuals with FASD

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Did you know that the Government of Canada is developing new accessibility legislation? The goal is to promote equality of opportunity, and increase inclusion and participation of Canadians who have disabilities or functional limitations. They asked Canadians, What does an accessible Canada mean to you?  To create a more accessible Canada for individuals with FASD and their families, CanFASD believes … Read More

FASD in the News: How Far We’ve Come

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CanFASD Executive Director, Audrey McFarlane, reflects on the inspiring advances she’s seen in FASD research in Canada over the past 20 years in an article published on a Kelowna news site. See the original article here, published last week while the International Conference on FASD took place in Vancouver: http://www.castanet.net/edition/news-story-190302-10-.htm This week UBC is hosting the world’s largest FASD research conference. The 7th … Read More

Article Summary: Prevalence of FASD and associated costs of special education in Canadian schools

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In this series, we summarize newly published research articles about FASD and break them down for the CanFASD reader. Please contact us to request a topic and we will look for articles that fit your interests.  Special Education of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (2016). Authors: Svetlana Popova, Shannon Lange, Larry Burd, Seungree Nam, & Jurgen Rehm Journal Information: Exceptionality, 24, 165-175. DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2015.1064415 This study … Read More

Article Summary: Ethical Challenges in Contemporary FASD Research

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In this series, we summarize newly published research articles about FASD for the readers of CanFASD Connect. Please contact us to request a topic and we will look for articles that fit your interests.  Ethical challenges in contemporary FASD research (2016) Authors: Nina Di Pietro, Jantina De Vries, Angelina Paolozza, *Dorothy Reid, James Reynolds, Amy Salmon, *Marsha Wilson, Dan J. Stein, & … Read More

Welcome to CanFASD Connect!

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The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) is pleased to announce our new blog, CanFASD Connect. We’ve created this space for sharing research and policy about FASD, and engaging and interacting with our partners and followers about important issues in the field. Join us each week to read about newly published FASD research, book reviews, researcher profiles, program highlights, and more. For our first … Read More



This free workshop at the University of Saskatchewan includes a half-day training on the medical and psychiatric diagnosis of FASD in Canada. LEARN MORE & REGISTER

Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award


The Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award has been named in honour of Dr. Sterling Clarren to recognize his pioneering contribution and leadership in the field of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The award is presented annually to an individual in recognition of a completed study that has made a substantial contribution to the FASD field. See the award page … Read More

Raising Awareness


On September 9, share your photos and videos with us on social media to raise awareness about FASD! Use #FASDAwarenessDay #CanFASD to WIN Great Prizes!