Article Summary: The Implementation of the 2012 Mental Health Strategy for Canada Through the Lens of FASD

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Background Approximately 94% of people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) experience mental health problems. Unfortunately, mental health disorders among individuals with FASD often go unnoticed, as healthcare professionals are not typically formally trained to identify FASD. In order to address this gap in mental healthcare, this study looks at the novel Canadian National Mental Health Strategy implemented in 2012 … Read More

Justin’s Success Story

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Justin Veale is a 15 year-old, 10th grader living in Milton, ON, who is doing incredible things within his community. He also happens to have FASD. Justin first attended the Halton REACH For It event on November 8th 2014- Build Me Up Lego Day, which provided him the opportunity to build relationships with police officers in his community. Halton REACH For It … Read More

Article Summary: Recent advances in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder for mental health professionals  

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Background Various techniques are improving our understanding of FASD. Knowing that individuals with FASD often have comorbid mental health issues, Mental Health Professionals (MHP) are urged to understand the unique aspects of this disorder, in order to reduce stigma and properly treat individuals with FASD. Knowledge of FASD among Mental Health Professionals Due to the high prevalence of comorbid mental … Read More

Mental Health Awareness Week

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“It’s not just about what you do for yourself, by yourself—everyone needs healthy and supportive places to work, live and learn” – Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)1 Mental health is not just about mental health issues. It is a state of well-being which is defined as a status “in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope … Read More

Positive Media Day & Mental Health Week!

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June 22nd is Positive Media Day! As a primary source of information, the media has the ability to shape our perspectives and has a significant impact on how we view individuals with FASD. While media is often bias towards negative events, and the challenges faced by individuals with FASD, it’s important to highlight all of the strengths these individuals have. … Read More

Claudette Bradshaw FASD Innovation Award- Call for Applicants

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Application deadline: August 31 2019 Award recipient will be notified by Sept 30, 2019 Claudette Bradshaw recently retired from the CanFASD Board of Directors and this award is to recognize her many years of service to the field of FASD, early education and homelessness. Honourable Bradshaw was a Member of Parliament for 10 years, served in many capacities and best … Read More

Changing the Conversation Symposium- Final Report

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The 2019 Canada Northwest FASD Partnership Symposium, entitled “Changing the Conversation,” took place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 6 & 7, 2019. The symposium brought together a diverse group of over 90 stakeholders, representing all provinces and territories across Canada. The symposium aimed to discuss the ways we currently talk about FASD in Canada, and based on the initial recommendations of … Read More

Lakeland Centre for FASD Summer Camp 2019

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Lakeland Centre for FASD, in Cold Lake Alberta, believes that all children should have the opportunity to have a positive camp experience. That is why they are hosting 6, week-long camps this summer between July and August. It is the camp where children with FASD can be themselves. The camp is open to all children in Canada, with a diagnosis … Read More

AccessAbility Day 5: Article Summary- Educating Students With FASD: Linking Policy, Research, and Practice

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Background Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) experience a range of cognitive disabilities, including learning and intellectual disabilities. Therefore, they often require special education strategies and programs in schools. In this study, Millar and colleagues (2017) have conducted a literature search on the prevalence of FASD in school-aged children and the impact of FASD on learning, followed by an … Read More