We are very excited to announce the launch of our new CanFASD Individual Membership plan! We’ve always been a member organization, offering jurisdictional memberships to provinces and territories across Canada. Now we’re happy to announce that we’re expanding our membership opportunities to make our network more accessible to individuals from coast to coast.
New Webinar: #WineMoms
Register now for our newest webinar on Wednesday July 28th at 1:00pm eastern time. The webinar, #WineMom: Humour and empowerment or binge drinking and mental health challenges? will discuss the ‘wine mom’ culture and how alcohol is used to subvert the idea of perfection in motherhood on social media. The webinar will follow a panel discussion hosted by Ana Andrade from the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, with co-presenters Dr. Kelly Harding and … Read More
Tomorrow is World Youth Skills Day!
Employers need to recognize the skills that people with FASD bring to the workforce and help support youth to develop these skills.
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, Brain Development, and Mental Health
Mental health challenges are common in children, youth, and adults with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). If these challenges are not treated, they can persist for many years. Many mental health problems first emerge in adolescence, but we don’t know a lot about exactly how and when mental health problems begin for people with PAE.
Summer Camps for Kids with FASD
Although camps are an excellent place for belonging, some children require their unique needs to be met for them to have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Children with FASD make up a group of children who may miss out on these experience because of these needs. Fortunately, within Canada there are a number of summer camps that have been specifically designed for children with FASD, which aim to create a positive summer camp experience for all.
Volunteers Needed for a Research Study on Substance Use and Addiction
The University of Alberta is currently conducting a research study on substance use and addiction treatment for adults who have or may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Share your thoughts on Canada’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan
The Government of Canada has recognized the differences impacting those with disabilities and is establishing a Disability Inclusion Action Plan to improve the lives of Canadians with disabilities. They are consulting Canadians on how best to achieve this goal through an online survey.
New Webinar: Thinking About FASD Month
We took a little break from our webinar series for the month of May but we’re jumping back into things this week with a webinar about FASD Month!
National Indigenous Peoples Day 2021
Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day! Today we recognize and celebrate the heritage, cultures, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day is fast approaching on Sunday, June 20, 2021, and we would like to celebrate all the fathers and caregivers who assume the roles of fathers in families across the nation.