The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting us all in different ways. Individuals with FASD and their caregivers are experiencing changes in their daily lives. Routines have shifted, coping strategies are changing, normal stressors are accentuated, and there is a lack of supports available for individuals and their families.
Researchers from across Canada are looking to study how the pandemic has changed the lives of neurodiverse individuals and their families. They are asking for families of children, youth, and adults with FASD to complete a short online survey about their experiences during COVID-19. The survey takes 20-30 minutes to complete.
You are eligible if you:
1) are a caregiver (parent or other legal guardian) of an individual with FASD;
2) live in Canada;
3) can read and write in English; and
4) have access to a device with internet connection.
What the researchers learn from this study will help us identify the current needs and priorities of families during the pandemic.
Visit the Families Facing COVID-19 website to participate.
This study was approved by the University of Calgary’s Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (REB20-0737). For questions about this study, please contact the study coordinator (, 403-441-8473) or the study’s principal investigator, Dr. Carly McMorris (, 403-220-5457).

4 Comments on “Research Participants Needed for Families Facing COVID-19 Study”
My daughter has FASD is 14 years old. I could answer questions my email address
Hi Jennifer, thank you for your interest! In order to participate in the study you have to follow this link and fill out the online questionnaire:
Hi I’m 24 years old and I’m looking for others to help bring awareness to FASD. I was diagnosed with FASD at age 4.
Hi Crystal, welcome to CanFASD Connect! Check out for more information on our FASD Awareness activities in September.