It’s Time for a National FASD Strategy

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FASD is a lifelong disability that affects the brain and body of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol. Due to the complexity of this disability and the disproportionate impacts it has on various populations, individuals with FASD are struggling. It’s time for a National FASD Strategy. 

Happy FASD Awareness Month!

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Today is September 1st which means it is officially Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Month! FASD is one of the leading neurodevelopmental disabilities in Canada, impacting 1.5 million Canadians. However, FASD is not well understood or recognized by the majority of the population. Help us raise awareness of FASD in Canada and around the world. Learn Whether you’re an … Read More

FASD Month is Around the Corner!

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FASD month is fast approaching and we want to make sure you are ready to celebrate and raise awareness! Although FASD is one of the leading developmental disabilities in Canada, many Canadians still don’t know much about this disorder and the impact it can have. This is where we need your help!  

Thinking About FASD Month in 2021

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FASD Month is just around the corner! Held every year during the month of September, FASD Awareness Month is a time to raise awareness about FASD and the potential impacts of alcohol use during pregnancy and to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of those with FASD.

Next Steps for FASD Awareness

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Despite the changes a global pandemic brings, people all across Canada banded together to celebrate FASD Awareness Month. From socially distanced awareness walks to viral videos and everything in between, the FASD community has found some very creative ways to raise awareness.