New Webinar Series: Alcohol Policy in Canada

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We are excited to announce the launch of a three-part webinar series called ‘Alcohol Policy in Canada’.  

This series, held in partnership with Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, will explore what alcohol policy is and its impacts on alcohol use in pregnancy. It will also look at opportunities aligned policy initiatives across other sectors. Read on for information on each of the webinars including dates and how to register.  

You can register for one session or dive into the entire series—each one stands on its own, but together they form a comprehensive overview of the topic. 

Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation and Implications for FASD  

When: February 5th at 1:00pm EST
Registration link: An Introduction to the Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation and Implications for FASD 

In Canada, there are ongoing efforts to evaluate the uptake of evidence-based alcohol policies at the provincial, territorial, and federal level. This webinar will introduce the Canadian Alcohol Policy Evaluation project and how this initiative can inform future FASD prevention efforts.  

Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health 

When: February 12th at 1:00pm EST
Registration link: Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Knowledge Mobilization and Uptake Two-Years Later 

In 2023, Canada’s new Guidance on Alcohol and Health was introduced, offering evidence-based advice on alcohol to support people in making informed decisions about their alcohol use and their health. This webinar will describe how alcohol guidelines can bring attention to alcohol use and the implications for FASD prevention. The presenters will share an update on knowledge mobilization efforts, including regional initiatives that clinicians and the public can use to make informed choices in the perinatal period. 

Cross-Sectoral Alcohol Policy and Healthy Beginnings

When: March 12th at 1:00pm EST
Registration link: Cross-Sectoral Alcohol Policy and Healthy Beginnings: Examples from Two Provinces

Efforts to raise awareness of FASD and support families with healthy beginnings is connected to alcohol, as well as health, child welfare, mental health, justice, housing, and social policy sectors. This webinar will focus on how two provinces, Manitoba and Newfoundland, have harnessed policy collaboration to increase governmental and community supports for people with FASD and who may be at risk of alcohol use during pregnancy. The presenters will share how policies in their provinces have helped increase awareness of FASD and increased support for healthy beginnings through provincial and community-based policy strategies and initiatives.

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