Announcing the theme of Canada FASD Conference 2025!

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The theme of next year’s Canada FASD Conference will be Shaping the Future of FASD: From Evidence to Action!

The conference planning committee, which includes representation from CanFASD’s staff members, people with living experience of FASD, senior researchers, community organizations, and the Government of Ontario, chose the theme.

Shaping the Future of FASD

We have chosen to focus on the future because we believe in the power of hope and the potential for meaningful change. Our aim is to foster a future-oriented and action-driven dialogue that resonates with everyone attending. It was also essential to our committee to create a theme that is not only inclusive but also accessible.

We want to empower our attendees to take an active role in shaping the future of FASD in Canada. Our vision is to establish a systemic, coordinated, and evidence-based approach to FASD prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and lifelong support—an approach that ensures every individual with FASD and their families have equitable access to the resources they need. But how do we achieve this vision? The conference will serve as a platform for exploring innovative strategies and collaborative efforts that our community can undertake to pave the way for a brighter future for FASD.

From Evidence to Action

You may recognize this from last year’s theme! We’ve chosen to carry it forward as a way to build on the incredible progress we made at the Canada FASD Conference 2023. At CanFASD, we believe that every initiative must be firmly rooted in research. We’ve witnessed firsthand how today’s research serves as the foundation for tomorrow’s resources. It drives outcomes that can transform lives and bridge critical gaps in the system. As we embark on the journey to shape the future of FASD in Canada, it is essential that our efforts are informed by solid research. The Canada FASD Conference 2025 will provide a space for you to hear about and share cutting-edge research and best practice in FASD.

See you there!

The Canada FASD Conference will be the first national FASD conference ever held in Toronto. Join us from October 21-23, 2025 at the Hilton Downtown Toronto for a groundbreaking event. Mark your calendars for three days of sharing research, learning about innovative interventions and best practices in addressing the complexities of FASD!

Interested in speaking at the conference? The call for abstracts will open on February 3, 2025.

Registration will then open on February 14, 2025. The conference’s registration fees are as follows:

  • Early Bird (before June 30, 2024) – $749
  • CanFASD Members – $749
  • Primary Presenters – $749
  • Standard Registration – $849

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