“…all people, regardless of their background or relationship with FASD know that CanFASD is the place to go if they have research-based questions.”
-CanFASD Stakeholder
We have just published our new Strategic Priorities Plan for 2020-2023.
The purpose of this document is to guide our work over the next three years. It outlines priority areas that our organization wants to focus on in order to achieve our vision and mission. The Strategic Priorities Plan doesn’t change what we’re doing right now; it just helps us identify areas where we need to do more.
“CanFASD continues to evolve as an increasingly comprehensive and complex research and evidence based organization. As such, it is critical that the organization, led by our Board of Directors, engages in sound strategic planning and operates according to principles of strategic management. As noted in the 2020 to 2023 Strategic Plan the Board determined that for this cycle of planning it was important to engage and hear from our stakeholders on what they felt about the direction that CanFASD has been, and needs to be, going in. I would like to sincerely thank all of those people who shared their time, knowledge and perspectives to help inform and shape the Plan through interviews, surveys and deliberations. I would also like to thank the members of the Board of Directors and the staff of CanFASD for their exceptional commitment to planning and operating based on strategy, evidence and results.
I am very excited about the insights and priorities that resulted from the planning process and where the organization will be headed over the next three years.
Tim Moorhouse, CanFASD Board Chair
Our organization is a collaborative network, so it was very important that the development of our Strategic Priorities Plan was a collaborative process that included a number of different voices. In order to create our plan, we solicited feedback from 150 stakeholders, including researchers, partners, caregivers, funders, CanFASD members, CanFASD ambassadors, CanFASD alumni, and people living with FASD.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, but also identified some areas of interest for us to focus our efforts. We used their feedback to determine our organizations strengths, weaknesses, areas of opportunity, and areas of threat. From there our board members compiled the solicited feedback, data from the 2017 to 2020 priories, and information on the changes in the FASD landscape in Canada to define CanFASD’s eight priorities for 2020 to 2023.

Read our 2020-2023 Strategic Plan to learn more.
One Comment on “Strategic Priorities for 2020 to 2023”
These are fantastic strategic priorities. Best wishes with achieving them over the next few years!