Human Trafficking and FASD

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Yesterday, February 22nd, was National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The awareness day came to pass after a unanimous agreement from Members of Parliament to condemn all forms of human trafficking and slavery. It is is dedicated to raising awareness of human trafficking and encourage Canadians to advocate on behalf of survivors to end human trafficking.

New Webinar: #WineMoms

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Register now for our newest webinar on Wednesday July 28th at 1:00pm eastern time. The webinar, #WineMom: Humour and empowerment or binge drinking and mental health challenges? will discuss the ‘wine mom’ culture and how alcohol is used to subvert the idea of perfection in motherhood on social media. The webinar will follow a panel discussion hosted by Ana Andrade from the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute, with co-presenters Dr. Kelly Harding and … Read More

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Stress

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Stress is a normal part of our daily lives and certain amounts of stress are important to help us function. Small doses of stress help us meet deadlines, get to places on time, and prepare for important events. However, long-term stress can be harmful and can lead to mental and physical health problems, like depression, substance use issues, and stroke.