Celisse Bibr and Taylor Watkins were recipients of the Student Travel Award for the Canada FASD Conference 2023. Read their first-hand experiences of attending the conference and sharing their research.
Provincial Alcohol Policies: Learning from Quebec
Each province in Canada has different policies and resources surrounding alcohol. In this new series, we will look at what is happening in each province to provide insight into how we can learn from each other.
FASD Lived Experience Leadership Fund: Increasing Research Participation
We are building a fund at CanFASD to cover the costs for people with FASD Lived Experience to participate in research including conferences and meetings.
Black History Month: An Interview with Monique Reboe Benjamin
To celebrate Black History Month, we would like to profile one of the talented Black researchers we’re grateful to have in our network.
Advocate for people with FASD in Public Health Consultation
The Public Health Agency of Canada is leading a consultation to inform their Vision 2030 initiative – a plan that looks to shape the future of public health in our country.
Shedding light on human trafficking
Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights that affects individuals worldwide. On Human Trafficking Awareness Day, it is crucial to raise awareness, educate ourselves, and take collective action to combat it.
How to access the disability tax credit as an individual with FASD
People with FASD and their caregivers are entitled to the Government of Canada’s disability tax credit. Read on to find out if you are eligible, how to apply and look at some resources to help you further.
New Webinar: Transitioning into Adulthood with FASD
Join us for our new webinar happening February 16th 1:00-2:00pm eastern time!
Weaving the Voices of Lived Experience and Research into the National Framework
Despite the high prevalence rate of individuals with FASD, Canada does not have a National FASD framework.
Apply now for the 2024 Sterling Clarren Award
We are thrilled to announce that applications are now open for this year’s Dr. Sterling Clarren FASD Research Award.
The award is presented each year to a Canadian post-secondary student or early career researcher in recognition of a study that has made a substantial contribution to the FASD field.