FASD Day Interview #6: The Honourable Larry Bagnell

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The honorable Larry Bagnell is the member of Parliament for the Yukon, affiliated with the Liberal Party. Mr. Bagnell has been active in politics representing the Yukon since 2000. Currently, he is chair of the Subcommittee on the Code of Conduct for Members of the HoC: Sexual Harassment, Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, and Subcommittee on Agenda and … Read More

FASD Day Interview #5: Audrey McFarlane

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Audrey McFarlane has been the Executive Director for CanFASD for the last 2.5 years, and of the Lakeland Centre for FASD (LCFASD) for the past 20. Before becoming ED, Audrey had been on the board of CanFASD since 2005. Her interest in FASD began in the 1990s while she was working as a behavioral specialist for people with developmental disabilities. … Read More

Student Spotlight: Elizabeth Carlson (University of Alberta)

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Elizabeth Carlson is a second-year student in the School and Clinical Child Psychology doctoral program at the University of Alberta.    About Elizabeth Elizabeth takes a collaborative, holistic, and strengths-based approach to working with children, adolescents, and emerging adults who have experienced significant adversity. She is interested in working with youth with complex needs who are deemed “at-risk,” including youth with FASD. … Read More

FASD Day Interview #4: Wanda Beland

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Wanda Beland is a member of CanFASD’s Family Advisory Committee and the Executive Director of the North West Region FASD Society. She and her husband are the adoptive parents of four adolescents and adults with FASD. Trained in education, Wanda has coordinated diagnostic clinics, FASD programs for all ages and Parent-Child Assistance Programs. Growing up  in a traditional First Nations … Read More

Article Summary: Rapid repeat pregnancy among women with intellectual and developmental disabilities

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According to a new study published earlier this week, women with intellectual and developmental disabilities are at an increased risk of rapid repeat pregnancy (RRP), which is defined by researchers as a pregnancy (live or lost) occurring within 12 months since the previous birth. RRP is associated with a number of negative outcomes, including stillbirth, preterm birth, growth restriction in … Read More

Sober Saturdayz

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CBC news recently covered the story of an Edmonton woman who is finding creative ways to promote healthy living and alcohol-free social opportunities. Kaitie Degen is familiar with the negative effects of alcohol use, having grown up in a family impacted by substance use issues. After taking steps towards reducing drinking in her own life, she founded Sober Saturdayz, which … Read More

FASD Day Interview #3: Dr. Sarah Treit

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Dr. Sarah Treit is currently appointed in the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta. Dr. Treit is making important strides with her research to better understand FASD. Her study on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of brain development of children with FASD revealed delayed development of white matter (brain ‘wiring’) and … Read More

FASD and Sexual Behaviour

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Without proper support, we know that individuals with FASD can face many life adversities. One of the most common of these challenges is inappropriate sexual behaviour (ISB). It is important to note that individuals with FASD may be involved in ISB as either a victim or a perpetrator. ISB can include many different problematic behaviours such as: inappropriate sexual advances … Read More

FASD Day Interview #2: Myles Himmelreich

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Myles Himmelreich is a mentor, public speaker, FASD consultant, and advocate.  Born with FASD, he provides exceptional insights to the challenges and success he has faced throughout his life. His personal journey unites audiences across different disciplines, ranging from mental health professionals, caregivers, researchers, and policy makers, to people with FASD. He is an extremely effective communicator and leaves a … Read More

FASD Day 2018 Interview #1: Jeff Noble

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Every year on September 9, the international community celebrates FASD Day. September 9 is chosen to represent the 9 months that women should abstain from alcohol consumption while pregnant. This year, in preparation for FASD Day, we have interviewed some amazing people to learn a bit about how their lives have been affected by FASD. They include caregivers, researchers, policy … Read More