Canadian prevention specialists have identified four mutually reinforcing levels of prevention that include awareness building approaches, safe and respectful conversations about alcohol use, and holistic support services for pregnant and postpartum women who experience challenges with alcohol and other health and social concerns. This FASD month we wanted to focus on Level 1 prevention.
Caregivers’ Perspectives on Building Strengths and Abilities in FASD
Today you’ll hear from members of our Family Advisory Committee who care for someone with FASD. In their own words, they share why recognizing and celebrating strengths is so important and talk about some of their recent successes.
Balancing the story on FASD: 10 FASD research papers released today in the Journal of FASD
We are extremely excited to announce our new special issue published today in the Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (JFASD).
New FASD Resource for Substance Use and Addictions Professionals
With rates of substance use hospitalizations and overdoses increasing, addictions professionals are more valuable than ever. We published a guide for addictions professionals with evidence-based practices to support people with FASD who are in treatment for substance use.
Feature: The Experiences of a Birth Mother
Today, I would like to share my story with you in the hopes it will open your hearts and mind to the reality we go through daily as a biological parent.
Support a National FASD Strategy this FASD Awareness Month
Ask your Member of Parliament to support a National FASD Strategy this September.
Feature: Niall’s Favourite Accomplishment
I hosted a National event that has never been in the province of Saskatchewan history and later found out that it was also the first National event in the city of Warman’s history.
What’s happening for FASD awareness internationally?
With FASD Month underway, we thought why not take a look at what’s going on internationally for FASD!
New Webinar: Sensory World of FASD Part 3
Save the date! Our next webinar The Sensory World of People with FASD Part 3 will be held on September 16, 2022 at 1:00pm eastern.
Researchers’ Perspectives on Building Strengths and Abilities in FASD
In this blog, researchers Katherine Flannigan, Kelly Harding, and Jacqueline Pei explain in their own words why research on strengths is essential and talk about what draws them to this field.