Where should I start?
I am a Caregiver!
A guide to support you in accessing important information and resources relating to providing care for children and adults with FASD. French version available.
A Caregiver’s Guide to Diagnosis
A guide to help you understand FASD and the diagnostic process. French version available.
An interactive website that provides information about FASD across the spectrum and lifespan.
FASD Support and Intervention
FASD and Educational Supports
A starting place for family members looking for information on educational supports for their children
Intervention Research
Find the latest research on current intervention topics including substance use, employment, housing, mental health, and more.
Medication Algorithm for FASD
This resource helps clinicians when prescribing medication for individuals with FASD. Caregivers can share this resource with healthcare professionals.
More information on FASD interventions and supports, including current research, can be found under our lifespan intervention page.
Additional Resources
FASD and Aggression: Balancing the Story
This brochure identifies and explains some of the factors that may be underlying aggressive behaviour in youth with FASD.
FASD Diagnosis

A Caregiver’s Guide to Diagnosis
A guide to help you understand FASD and the diagnostic process. French version available.
How to explain an FASD Diagnosis to your Child
Tips to explain an FASD diagnosis to your child to help them understand and be empowered. Download resource.

FASD Diagnostic Clinics in Canada
A list of FASD diagnostic clinics in Canada and your frequently asked questions about diagnosis answered. View resource.
More information on FASD diagnosis, including current research, can be found under our diagnosis page
FASD Research
Participate in Research
Find a list of ongoing research studies to participate in and contribute to.
Family Engagement in Research
Slideshow from the CanFASD Research and Policy Series on the importance of family involvement in research.
FASD Research: Learning Together
Update on the research and resources from discussed at the 2016 Learning Together event.

Caregiver Approaches, Resiliencies, and Experiences
This is an ongoing research study created in partnership with CanFASD Researchers and the Family Advisory Committee. It collects information from parents and caregivers around the world who are caring for individuals with FASD to inform future resources and supports. Participate in the study here. Updates from the C.A.R.E. study are listed below:
- (Fall 2024) What Caregivers Want to Know
- (Spring 2024) Perspectives on Life Transitions
- (Fall 2023) Hope, Worries, and Needs for the Future
- (Spring 2023) Trends in Alcohol and Substance Use
- (Fall 2022) Project Update: Back to School Edition
- (Spring 2022) Project Update Experiences and Perspectives of Caregivers of Individuals with FASD
Feature CARE Research Articles:
When You are Asked to Take Part in Research: Information for People with FASD
In 2018, about 40 adults with FASD met with researchers to talk about what they needed to be able to participate in FASD research. We have used the feedback from adults with FASD to develop this information. It includes descriptions of what you can expect and ask for when you or your child are deciding if you want to take part in the research.
Financial Resources and Support
Family Support for Children with Disabilities
A resource for family members looking for information about financial and other supports for their children. Download family support resource.
Succession Planning
What parents and caregivers should know to plan for succession. Includes information about estates, trusts, guardianship, and more. Download Succession Planning resource.
Lived Experience Leadership Fund
A donation-based fund that covers the cost for people with lived and living experience to participate in research activities. Learn more and donate.
Resources and Training
Online Education Opportunities
A list of online training and education resources
Webinar Recordings
Recordings of topic-specific webinars on various subjects relating to FASD, including sensory challenges, education, child welfare, and more.
Community service agencies/supports
A list of local caregiver and community community service agencies/supports.

Additional Resources
Caregiver Training: A free caregiver curriculum on FASD offered by the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto
First Nation and Mètis Parents in Manitoba: Four parenting booklets grounded in Indigenous knowledge and traditional approaches
FASD Services in Manitoba Resource List: A list of services available in Manitoba for FASD prevention, diagnosis, mental health, outreach and support, adults with FASD.
Related Research and Reports
Disability Policy in Canada: Federal Report
November 2023
Gives an overview of disability policy at the Federal level, including detailed information about disability-related policies, laws, plans of action, and programs/services. It also shares the experiences of those who are applying for and accessing federal programs.
Experiences of living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative data
The aim of this research study was to identify and assess available evidence from qualitative studies exploring experiences of individuals living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) or those living with a child with FASD, as well as experiences of interventions aimed at supporting individuals with FASD and their families.