We need your help to get FASD
on the radar this election.

With an election on the line, candidates are campaigning fiercely for your vote. Political parties and candidates often have different issues that they focus on. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is one issue that should be a concern for Canadian citizens and politicians alike.

Federal Election 2025

A federal election is on the horizon for spring 2025 and we need support for a National FASD Framework. Connect with your local candidates and get FASD on the Federal Government’s radar.

Provincial/ Territorial Election

Is your province or territory hosting an election right now? Connect with your local political candidates and ask them what they’re doing to improve support for people with FASD and their families in your area.


FASD is a complex disability that impacts more people in Canada than autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome combined. When unsupported, people with FASD experience high rates of mental health challenges, connections with the legal system, difficulty in school, and high rates of homelessness.

By providing effective supports for people with FASD, their families, and pregnant and parenting women, Governments can reduce the social and economic costs of this disability. Researchers estimate that cost to be 9.7 billion dollars annually in Canada alone.

People with FASD can and do succeed with the right supports and services.

You can help!

Connect with your local candidates

Talk to your local candidates about the issues that you find important. You can find their contact information on their party websites or speak to them at local events.

Send a letter

Send an email or handwritten letter to your local candidates to inform them about an issue.

Share your thoughts on social media

Be vocal on your social media accounts about the importance of talking about FASD during this election season.

Understanding Government Responsibility

There are three different levels of government in Canada: Federal, Provincial/Territorial, and Municipal. Each level has different responsibilities. When we talk to politicians, we want to make sure we bring attention to issues that they can address.

Things like education and hospitals are the responsibility of provincial and territorial governments, while things like criminal law and defence are the responsibility of the federal government. Some of their responsibilities overlap, which can make things confusing.

FASD is a really complex disability that intersects with so many different areas. There are many different challenges that people with FASD face and so many areas where supports could help. It’s easy to get off track when you’re talking to someone about these issues.

Federal candidates often don’t have the power to address things like lack of educational supports for people with FASD or lack of diagnostic clinics. We’re asking candidates to develop a National FASD Framework that guides Canada’s response to FASD. With this strategy in place, governments can start to address specific issues that people with FASD are facing.