Why do we need a National Framework for FASD? 

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disabilities in Canada, affecting an estimated 4% of the population. The prevalence of FASD is greater than Autism, Down Syndrome, and Cerebral Palsy combined.

Not solely a healthcare issue, FASD intersects with homelessness, substance use, education, the legal system, mental health, child welfare, social services, family health, and more.

The statistics are alarming. Recent studies show 90% of people with FASD will experience mental health issues. They are over 20 times more likely to face substance use challenges. And 35% of teens with FASD report suicidal ideation, with 13% reporting at least one serious suicide attempt in the past year.

Due to its complicated nature, a systemic, coordinated, evidence-based approach to FASD prevention, diagnosis, intervention, and lifetime support is vital. We need a National FASD Framework that ensures that all people with FASD and their families have full and equitable access to the resources they need.

Where are we now?

In October 2022, the Honourable Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia introduced Bill S-253: An Act Respecting a National Framework for FASD in the Senate of Canada. This Bill outlined the development of a national framework designed to support Canadians with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, their families, and their caregivers.

The prorogation of parliament in 2025 meant that all Senate and House Bills in progress were cancelled, including Bill S-253.

This is a setback, but it does not silence the urgent need for a National FASD Framework. No matter the composition of the next government, we will continue to fight for this essential policy and we need your help.

We need you to speak to your local candidates about a National FASD Framework.

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Express your support for a National FASD Framework on social media and at your events.

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Child sits on the stairs with head in their hands
Girl sits on the pavement
Woman sits in waiting room

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What is FASD?

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability impacting the brain and body of people who were exposed to alcohol during fetal development. Each individual with FASD is unique and has areas of both strengths and challenges and will need supports to help them succeed in their daily lives.

What would a National Framework look like? 

A National Framework for FASD would:

  • Educate health care and other professional on FASD prevention, diagnosis, and support
  • Promote research and knowledge translation;
  • Set national standards for FASD prevention, diagnosis, and support;
  • Raise awareness of FASD and the risks of alcohol consumption in pregnancy; and
  • Identify any other measures necessary to improve outcomes

A National Framework would be made in consultation with other ministers, representatives from provincial and territorial governments, Indigenous communities, and relevant stakeholders including self-advocates, caregivers, service providers, and support people.

A National FASD Framework should be person-centred, include first-person perspectives, be culturally appropriate for the diversity of Canada’s population, and reflect the needs of Canada’s northern, rural, and remote communities. It would also ensure that critically needed multilevel supports are available for pregnant women and new mothers and their children, so that prevention of FASD that is effective, respectful and addresses social determinants of health receives attention and action.

Why now?

We cannot afford to wait much longer to address FASD at a national level. The annual cost per case of FASD is estimated at $27,000 and the incremental cost per case of FASD over a lifespan is estimated at $1.1 million. Many of the costs associated with FASD can be reduced with the implementation of effective leadership for social policies and intervention and support programs. These numbers don’t take into account the intangible costs of FASD, such as the cost of pain, suffering, stress, and stigmatization.

The COVID-19 pandemic only heightened the challenges that this population is facing. Canada is in desperate need for our leadership to establish a plan to support people with FASD, their families, pregnant and parenting couples, and those who assist them.

How can you help?

Community Members
Talk to political candidates about FASD and the need for a National FASD Framework and keep the conversation moving forward. Learn as much as you can about FASD in your profession and within your region. Talk to your friends and family members to raise awareness.

Government Representatives
Express your support for a National FASD Framework publicly and talk about this issue amongst your colleagues and party members. Reach out to us at info@canfasd.ca to learn how FASD interacts with your field and your constituents.

Contact us at info@canfasd.ca for information about how to support a National FASD Framework in Canada