Below is a list of ongoing research studies and projects currently looking for participants.


Daily Parenting in Families of Adolescents with FASD
Researchers at the Enhance Lab are looking for caregivers of adolescents with FASD to be part of a Family Advisory Board for a new project on daily dynamics in parenting. Caregivers must be available to attend virtual meetings to give feedback on the study plan and the results of the study. To be eligible you must care for an adolescent with FASD (between 12 and 18 years old), live Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, or New Zealand, and have access to technology to attend virtual meetings. If you are interested in participating in our committee or have any questions, please contact:

Seeking Family Advisory Members

C.A.R.E. Caregiver Approaches, Resiliencies, and Experiences
FASD is a complex disability. Caring for someone who has FASD comes with unique challenges and successes. Unfortunately, there has not been much research to understand the whole experience of caring for someone with FASD across the lifespan. This study aims to learn about the lived experiences of people who care for someone with FASD.



Evaluating the Psychotropic Medication Algorithm for FASD
Dr. Mela and a team of 12 multidisciplinary international experts spent over 2 years developing a decision-tree style medication algorithm to guide prescribers as they see patients with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder/Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (FASD/ND-PAE). This survey is to be completed by prescribers who are using the medication algorithm with their patients.

Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool 

Researchers from Cambrian College are looking for participants to answer questions about their knowledge and attitudes toward sex. This project’s goal is to test a new measure of sexual knowledge and attitudes. The project will help researchers understand how this revised measure can best meet the needs of persons with disabilities. Learn more about the study.

Brain Development in Children and Youth with or without Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE)

Researchers at the Developmental Neuroimaging Lab are interested in learning more about brain development and mental health in children and youth (aged 7-18 years) with or without prenatal alcohol exposure. Participants will be asked to complete an MRI scan and some cognitive assessments in-person at the Calgary or Edmonton site. All participants will be compensated for their time. If interested, please contact Learn more about the study.
Help us understand the brain. We are looking for children with and without PAE to participate in this cutting edge research done by the university of Calgary and the university of Alberta

Prenatal alcohol exposure web-based brain assessment study

The University of Minnesota Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Program have been awarded a research grant to study the use of a novel web-based brain assessment tool called BRAIN-online in identifying areas of cognitive challenges in youth with PAE. If you have a child between the ages of 8 and 16 who was exposed to alcohol during pregnancy, they would like to speak with you about participating in this study. Find out more.

Movement Behaviours and Health Indicators in Children with a Chronic Medical Condition or Disability

Researchers at the Child Health & Exercise Medicine Program at McMaster University are looking for 12 to 17 years old who are living with a chronic medical condition or disability and parents or guardians of 12 to 17 year-olds who are living with a chronic medical condition or disability. Learn more and participate.

Health Outcomes for Individuals with FASD – Adults with FASD

Researchers at the Healthy Generations Lab are looking for individuals with FASD (19+ years old) to participate in a new research study about health/mental health. To be eligible, you must be able to come in to our study site at the University of Calgary, in person, for approximately 3 hours. Email: Call: 403-220-5274. Fill out the online survey.

Suicidality in Individuals with FASD

The Enhance Lab is looking for clinicians and wellness workers in Canada who have supported someone experiencing suicidality. Learn more and participate.

International FASD and Justice System Study

Dr. David Junior Gilbert and his team want to understand why people with FASD may become involved with the police. They are looking for adults with FASD and caregivers of young people with FASD. Learn more and participate.

Parenting Adolescents with FASD

Kelsey Friesen (University of Calgary) is interested in learning more about adolescent and caregiver characteristics, family factors and parenting behaviors in families of adolescents with FASD on a daily basis. Learn more and participate.

New Brunswick youths diagnosed with FASD

Would you like to contribute to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) research? Researchers from Vitalité Health Network, the Maritime SPOR Support Unit, and Université de Moncton would like to conduct 30-60-minute telephone/Zoom interviews with New Brunswick (NB) youths diagnosed with FASD at the NB FASD Centre of Excellence who would like to share their experiences navigating the healthcare system before being referred to the Centre. If you or your child is interested in participating, please email or call 506-850-5035. All participants will receive compensation for their time.

Des jeunes du Nouveau-Brunswick qui ont reçu un diagnostic TSAF

Aimeriez-vous contribuer à la recherche sur le trouble du spectre de l’alcoolisation fœtale (TSAF)? Les chercheurs et chercheuses du Réseau de santé Vitalité, de l’Unité de soutien SRAP des Maritimes et de l’Université de Moncton aimeraient mener des entrevues téléphoniques/Zoom de 30 à 60 minutes avec des jeunes du Nouveau-Brunswick (N.-B.) qui ont reçu un diagnostic TSAF au Centre d’excellence TSAF du N.-B. et qui aimeraient partager leurs expériences avec le système de soins de santé avant d’être dirigé(e)s vers le Centre. Si vous ou votre jeune souhaitez y participer, veuillez envoyer un courriel à ou téléphoner au 506-850-5035. Tous les participants et toutes les participantes recevront une compensation en guise de remerciement pour leur temps.

An Exploratory Study of the Identity Experiences of Young Adults with FASD

Vannesa Joly (University of Alberta) is interested in learning about the identity experiences of young adults with FASD. She is aiming to recruit two separate groups of participants: young adults with FASD between the ages of 18 and 25 years and caregivers of individuals with FASD. Learn more and participate.

An Exploratory Study of the Identity Experiences of Young Adults with FASD Poster

Transition to Adulthood

Lauren Gnat and Dr. Melody Morton Ninomiya (Wilfrid Laurier University) are looking for adults with FASD or people who support an adult with FASD to tell them about how the transition to adulthood has been. Learn more and participate.

Poster advertising Transition to Adulthood Study

Brain Development in Children and Youth with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

The Developmental Neuroimaging Lab is looking for children and youth (7-18 years old) with and without prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) to participate in a study at the Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary or the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Learn more and participate.

UBC Health Study

Researchers from UBC are conducting a virtual study to learn whether exposure to alcohol prior to birth changes the microbial population of the gut, possibly leading to lifelong effects on a person’s health. They are looking adults from across Canada to participate, as well as children from Calgary, Alberta and Australia. Fill out the interest form here.

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