CanFASD is proud to present a webinar series geared towards enhancing shared understandings of FASD and promoting integration of evidence across multiple settings.

Upcoming Webinars

FASD from a Rights-Based Perspective: Unpacking the UNCRPD

December 6th, 2024 11am MST/1pm EST

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was developed to ensure that human rights are provided to everyone regardless of ability or level of functioning and can be used as a tool for self-advocates with FASD and their care providers. This webinar will outline what the UNCRPD is and how it intersects with FASD while providing a living-experience and caregiver perspective on what the convention means for them.

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If you are interested in presenting a webinar, check out the application process.

Past Webinars

All past webinars can be viewed on our YouTube channel or follow the links below.