2023 Recipient: Manitoba FASD Centre and FASD Justice Team
In 2020, the Manitoba FASD Centre and FASD Justice System launched the Adult FASD Justice Program. The program gives young adults (18-25) involved in the justice system in Manitoba access to FASD diagnostic and assessment services. Offenders diagnosed with FASD can access follow-up supports and services to help them with their specific needs and challenges.
This is the first Adult FASD Justice assessment and support program in Canada that has evolved in collaboration with the development of Canada’s first FASD court docket. This program developed through innovative thinking and multiple community partnerships.
“It is life-changing when clinicians can provide, to an individual who has struggled their entire lives, a diagnosis, and some understanding about how their brain works, their strengths and their challenges. For some they feel heard, seen and valued for the first time in their lives. For caregivers to start to understand that there are some things the individual cannot do opposed to won’t do which creates a monumental shift in their understanding and relationship.”

2022 Recipient: Piruqatigiit Resource Centre
Piruqatigiit is a grassroots organization that serves individuals with suspected and confirmed FASD across Nunavut. “Piruqatigiit” means grow/growing together. Everything they do is centred on Inuit-led and informed knowledge and worldview. All their service provision, knowledge translation, and communications are translated in English and Inuktitut.
Prior to Piruqatigiit, there were no FASD specific services in Nunavut and very few FASD-informed educators and service providers. Jennifer & Noah Noah recognized this gap and started providing free support for community members and education for Government departments in 2016. In 2018, they, along with community members, founded Piruqatigiit as a nonprofit society.
“Piruqatigiit Resource Centre has applied for the Claudette Bradshaw FASD Innovation Award because we are innovation at our core. We strive to support Nunavut communities through innovative programming, resource development and knowledge translation activities that are culturally safe.”

2021 Recipient: Lakeland Centre for FASD (LCFASD)

2020 Recipient: The Asante Centre