Application Deadline: September 30, 2024 - applications due by 4:30PM PDT

Award recipient will be notified by: October 30, 2024

See the CanFASD Claudette Bradshaw FASD Innovation Award Application Guidelines for more information on eligibility and application requirements.

Section 1 - Applicant Information

Provide the name of the lead contact if different from than the applicant.

Section 2 (optional) – Researcher or Evaluator Information

If the applicant partnered with an external researcher or evaluator to assess the program, please complete this section. It may otherwise be left blank.

Section 3 – Overview of Agency/Organization (200 words max)

Please provide a brief overview of your agency or organization (additional details about the specific program/service for which you are applying will be requested below). If you collaborated with a researcher or evaluator, please include a short description of the research/evaluation purpose.

Section 4 – Statement of Impact (300-word max)

In this section, please describe why you are interested in applying for the Claudette Bradshaw FASD Innovation Award and how this award would impact your organization or program/service.

Section 5 – Overview of Program/Service

State the area(s) of support that your program/service addresses (e.g., housing, employment, parenting, substance use, justice, child welfare, education, mental health, etc. List all that apply.

Section 6 – Details of Program/Service

Section 7 – Memorandum of Understanding, Letter of Support

Letter of Support

A Letter of Support must be submitted from a participant/client of the program/service, e-mailed to, with the lead applicant name in the subject line. The letter should describe their experience in the program/service and how the program/service benefitted the individual. The letter should not include the name of the individual and be no longer than 1 page.

Claudette Bradshaw Innovation in FASD Award Memorandum

Applicants must agree to the Award Memorandum before submitting the application. Upon approval, CanFASD shall notify the recipient and forward funds to them via electronic money transfer (EFT) or mailed cheque.

The information above, including the title of the project, description of research project, name of applicant, name of the Agency or group and involved parties may be posted on the CanFASD website and may be used by CanFASD to publicize the Claudette Bradshaw Innovation in FASD Award.