It’s time for a National FASD Framework.

Bill S-253 is currently making its way through the legislative process and has been referred to the Social Affairs, Science and Technology committee for further study. This is when committee members look in detail at the Bill, examining each section and then report back to the rest of the government which will then be debated and put to a vote.

While the Bill is it committee stage it is a crucial time for convincing parliamentarians of its importance, particularly the committee members.

We need your help to write to committee members to express your support of a National FASD Framework.

Find out more about how a Bill becomes law in Canada.

Contact your local committee members

Who to contact

The committee members represent different parts of Canada. Select the committee members in your nearest area and click on their name to find their contact information. You may be able to connect with them at virtual town hall meetings and events, or via phone, email, social media (using our social media graphics), or regular mail.   



Nova Scotia 


New Brunswick 

What to say

Explain that you support the National FASD Framework 

Be concise – politicians are very busy. Keep your statements short and to the point. 

Do not lie or exaggerate when talking to parliamentarians. It can make you and the cause you are supporting seem less credible. Try backing up your statements with facts like: 

  • FASD affects 1 in 25 Canadians, more than autism, cerebral palsy, and Down’s Syndrome combined 
  • FASD costs Canada approximately $9.7 billion every year 
  • Early diagnosis and intervention supports can help support positive outcomes for people with FASD and their families 

Make it personal – explain why this issue is important to you. Do you have FASD or are you a caregiver for someone with FASD? Do you work with people with FASD in your job on a daily basis? Personal details make your message stand out but be sure not to get too off track from what you’re asking for. Personal details work best in a one-on-one conversation or letter.