The Canada Northwest FASD Partnership (CNFASDP) is an interprovincial/territorial alliance formed in 1998 to advance evidence-based policy development and service design in FASD prevention, diagnosis, and support through the sharing of resources and expertise.
The current CNFASDP member jurisdictions are Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Yukon.
The CNFASDP supported the establishment of the Canada FASD Research Network in 2005, and is proud to provide continued operations funding support for the Canada FASD Research Network.
Strategic Priorities 2024-2027
Indigenous Led Work and Supports
Supports and services for Indigenous people with FASD must be Indigenous-led and incorporate traditional Indigenous wisdom and practices to ensure programs are inclusive, culturally relevant, and reflective of Indigenous approaches. Aligning with the commitments outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action. Together, these frameworks emphasize the importance of Indigenous self-determination, equal access to culturally safe services, and the need for healing that addresses health inequities and respects Indigenous governance and practices.
- FASD programs and services are person-centered, more inclusive to Indigenous approaches, informed by and reflect Indigenous ways of knowing and being
Housing Needs of Individuals with FASD
Individuals with FASD often require a continuum of housing supports to address their significant risk of homelessness. Jurisdictions are trialing different housing models.
- Information on current evidence-based housing models and practices that support adults with FASD, and their families/caregivers is shared between jurisdictions.
- Creating Intersections: A systematic and person-centred harmonizing framework for housing individuals with FASD
- A Mosaic of Options: A Housing Continuum for People with FASD
- Voices: A Housing Continuum for People with FASD – YouTube
FASD Training
Enhancing the understanding and knowledge of FASD among service providers enables them to more effectively address the specific needs of individuals with FASD, leading to improved outcomes. Providing targeted training opportunities is essential to increasing the confidence and competence of those supporting individuals with FASD, particularly through practical, FASD-specific skills training and support for individuals who use substances during pregnancy. It is imperative that such training is validated by individuals with lived experience to ensure its relevance, authenticity, and effectiveness.
- Increase access to FASD training to support the competencies of community service support workers and caregivers who directly support individuals with FASD.
- Increase access to FASD training for a broad range of stakeholders in all levels, from government policy officials to direct service providers.
- Share information on FASD training and education initiatives between jurisdictions.
- Online Learning – Flexible online learning opportunities for you or your team, from CanFASD
- FASD Training and Education – Learn about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) through online training, videos and publications. From the Government of Alberta.
Mental Health and Addictions
The majority of individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) also have a concurrent mental health diagnosis, yet they are often not adequately supported by existing mental health and addictions services. It is crucial for service providers to be FASD-informed to ensure they can offer appropriate supports or refer individuals with FASD to services that address their unique needs effectively.
- Service provider knowledge of mental health and addictions supports is FASD-informed to enhance service delivery.
- Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide are distributed and evaluated widely to maximize its impact.
- Tailored resources are developed for service providers on mental health and addictions services and programs specifically designed for individuals with FASD, including targeted supports for pregnant individuals and Indigenous communities.
- Informational Note: Mental Health and Individuals with FASD
- Policy Webinar Report: FASD and Mental Health and Wellness: Urgency, Recognition, and Solutions for Government Policy Makers
Supports and Services
Supporting individuals with FASD and pregnant individuals who use substances requires a multi-faceted approach that integrates current best practices, research, and compassionate care.
- Best practices, tools and resources in incorporating culturally safe and trauma-informed approaches are shared with service providers, policy makers and communities.
- Policy Webinar Report: Supporting Children and Youth with FASD: Finding our Way Together
FASD Prevention Messaging
A shared common approach to FASD prevention messaging across jurisdictions can significantly enhance the effectiveness of efforts to reduce alcohol use during pregnancy. When jurisdictions—whether at the national, provincial, or community level—align their strategies and messaging, it ensures consistency, maximizes reach, and builds public trust.
- Increase common FASD prevention messaging between jurisdictions and share this common messaging through other disability related forums and committees to increase awareness of a united FASD prevention messaging.
- Preconception and FASD Prevention: Understanding and Implications for Policy Makers – This policy webinar was to stimulate discussion for policymakers and enhance understanding of the opportunities and challenges informing those intending to become pregnant about the risks of alcohol and pregnancy.
- Alcohol and Pregnancy – one-page infographic from SOGC
- The Prevention Conversation – online training program for front-line health and social services professionals
- Doorways to Conversation – Brief Intervention on Substance Use with Girls and Women – This book from the Centre for Excellence for Women’s Health focuses on brief intervention with girls and women in the preconception and perinatal period.
- Dry9 | AGLC (drinksenseab.ca) – Doing a Dry9 means you are making the decision to not drink any alcohol throughout your pregnancy. Sign up to do a Dry9 and join a community of support. From AGLC and DrinkSense.
- Alcohol, Contraception, and Preconception – Information for Service Providers – one-page infographic from the Department of Families, Province of Manitoba.
Enhancing Cultural Safety in FASD Diagnostic Clinics
FASD diagnostic practices must prioritize culturally safe approaches to ensure that assessments are inclusive and respectful of diverse backgrounds. It is essential that these approaches are tailored to the unique needs and contexts of individual communities, including Indigenous communities, which have distinct histories, experiences, and cultural values. By adapting diagnostic methods to local circumstances, healthcare providers can offer more equitable and sensitive care that aligns with the cultural traditions and experiences of the people they serve. This personalized approach is critical in fostering trust and improving health outcomes in FASD diagnosis and care.
- Establish best practice guidelines and resources towards delivering culturally safe diagnostics process to persons with FASD.
- Policy Webinar Report: Enhancing Culturally Safe and Trauma Informed Approaches to Assessment and Diagnosis Practices
- Understanding FASD Diagnosis webinar
Strategic Priorities 2020-2023
Supporting Children and Youth with FASD
Children and youth with FASD have a multifaceted disability, associated not only with complex brain- and body-based challenges, but also with high rates of environmental adversity, diverse sociocultural contexts, and lifelong difficulties with daily living. Support and intervention approaches need to be tailored to the highly diverse needs of children and youth, regardless of diagnostic confirmation.
Policy Webinar Report: Supporting Children and Youth with FASD: Finding our Way Together
Pre-Conception Prevention of FASD
Preconception prevention has potential to have a significant impact in preventing FASD. It involves brief conversations with girls and women who are not pregnant but drink alcohol as well as conversations with boys and men. The focus is on alcohol use and related risks with all women of childbearing years, as well as with their support networks.
- Service providers and policy makers are knowledgeable about targeted and consistent approaches on FASD preconception prevention.
- CNFASDP endorses common messaging around preconception prevention.
Preconception and FASD Prevention: Understanding and Implications for Policy Makers – This policy webinar was to stimulate discussion for policymakers and enhance understanding of the opportunities and challenges informing those intending to become pregnant about the risks of
alcohol and pregnancy.
Alcohol and Pregnancy – one-page infographic from SOGC
The Prevention Conversation – online training program for front-line health and social services professionals
Doorways to Conversation – Brief Intervention on Substance Use with Girls and Women – This book from the Centre for Excellence for Women’s Health focuses on brief intervention with girls and women in the preconception and perinatal period.
Dry9 | AGLC (drinksenseab.ca) – Doing a Dry9 means you are making the decision to not drink any alcohol throughout your pregnancy. SIgn up to do a Dry9 and join a community of support. From AGLC and DrinkSense.
Alcohol, Contraception, and Preconception – Information for Service Providers – one-page infographic from the Department of Families, Province of Manitoba.
Mental Health and the Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic
Individuals with FASD are at heightened risk of mental health challenges and are often denied access to mental health supports as their needs are deemed to be too complex for traditional approaches. This has been exacerbated significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic that has increased anxiety and depression among individuals and limits availability of in-person support.
- Individuals with FASD are better supported in the area of mental health.
Informational Note: Mental Health and Individuals with FASD
Policy Webinar Report: FASD and Mental Health and Wellness: Urgency, Recognition, and Solutions for Government Policy Makers
Online Learning – Flexible online learning opportunities for you or your team, from CanFASD
FASD Training and Education – Learn about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) through online training, videos and publications. From the Government of Alberta.
Enhancing Culturally Safe and Trauma-informed Approaches to FASD Assessment and Diagnostic Practices
FASD Assessment and Diagnostic practices need to incorporate approaches that are culturally safe and trauma informed. Approaches need to be tailored to individual and local situations as all communities, including Indigenous communities, are unique with their own history and experiences.
- Best practices, tools and resources in incorporating culturally safe and trauma-informed approaches are shared with service providers, policy makers and communities.
Understanding FASD Diagnosis webinar
Reducing Stigma
Individuals with FASD, their biological mothers, families and communities continue to experience stigma that impacts their ability to access effective services that are culturally safe and trauma-informed. Stigma impedes public support for effective, person-centered strategies to support women at risk, people with FASD and their support networks.
- Jurisdictions develop unified messages about FASD and alcohol use during pregnancy that shift public attitudes and promote dignity for people impacted by FASD.
Policy Webinar Report: Examining Opportunities and Challenges in Addressing Stigma through policy
Webinar: Reducing Stigma – Writing and Talking about FASD
Changing the Conversation Symposium: Final Report – from the Manitoba FASD Coalition
FASD Language Guide – The language guide from the Manitoba FASD Coalition provides dignity-promoting alternatives to stigma-inducing words or phrases commonly used in society.
Common Messages – This booklet from CanFASD provides guidelines for talking and writing about FASD.
FASD: Justice
Youth and adults with FASD are at increased risk of involvement with the justice system.
- Justice professionals are informed of ways to address needs of individuals at risk of or involved in the Justice system.
Policy Webinar Report: Improving the outcomes of youth and adults with FASD in the court system: exploring the Manitoba FASD Court
FASD for Judicial and Legal Professionals Level II – This is an advanced training course for professionals in the Justice systems.
FASD for Solicitor General Professionals Level II – This is an advanced training course for professionals in the Solicitor General systems.
Supporting Housing Needs of Individuals with FASD
Individuals with FASD often require housing supports to address their significant risk of homelessness.
- Support housing organizations by providing tools and best practice information to better serve individuals with FASD in housing situations.
- Service providers and policy makers are knowledgeable of approaches to address the housing needs of individuals with FASD
A Mosaic of Options: A Housing Continuum for People with FASD
Voices: A Housing Continuum for People with FASD – YouTube
FASD: Supporting Employment
Supporting potential employers to understand the unique strengths and needs of individuals with FASD is an important consideration for sustained and meaningful employment.
- Individuals with FASD are supported in their employment pursuits. Recruiting professionals, service providers and policy makers to better understand the unique needs of individuals with FASD and how they can be best supported.
Policy Webinar Report: Optimizing Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for People with FASD
Webinar: Optimizing Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for People with FASD
The Canada FASD Conference is happening in October 2025! Join us in Toronto, Ontario for three days of presentations and events to learn how we can shape the future of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
This conference will bring together over 600 researchers, caregivers, individuals with FASD, policymakers, and professionals to share what they know about FASD. Canadian and international attendees are welcome!