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Online Learners

Level 1: Basic FASD Training


  • Foundations in FASD

Foundations in FASD is a basic training course intended for everyone that will come into contact with individuals with FASD including all sectors of work, families, individuals with FASD, spouses, and the general public. This foundational level training program provides the perspective of individuals who have FASD, is evidence-based, employs a culturally sensitive approach, and is presented in a way that is responsive to the learners needs.

Niveau 1 : Formation de base


  • Fondements du TSAF

Fondements du TSAF est une formation de base destinée à tous ceux qui entreront en contact avec des personnes atteintes de TSAF, y compris les intervenants de tous les secteurs, les familles, les personnes atteintes de TSAF, les conjoints et le grand public. Ce programme de formation de base présente le point de vue des personnes atteintes de TSAF, est fondé sur des données probantes, utilise une approche adaptée à la culture et est présenté d’une manière qui tient compte des besoins de l’apprenant. Cette formation de base en ligne dure en moyenne deux heures

Level 2: Sector/Special Interest FASD Training

Niveau 2 : Formation pour les professionnels des secteurs ayant un intérêt particulier pour le TSAF

  • FASD for Community and Social Services Professionals Level ll

FASD for Community and Social Services Professionals Level ll is an advanced training course for frontline workers that work directly with individuals with FASD and their families, including but not exclusive to those that work in financial and disability services, in FASD networks, housing, shelter and crisis supports, and employment programs.

  • FASD For Judicial and Legal Professionals Level II

FASD for Judicial Professionals Level II is an advanced training course for professionals in the Justice systems. This Level 2 training course builds on the Level 1 Foundations in FASD course and presents evidence-based and practice-informed information that can be easily and effectively integrated into your practice and approach to working with individuals with FASD

  • FASD for Solicitor General Professionals Level II

FASD for Solicitor General Professionals Level II is an advanced training course for professionals in the Solicitor General systems. This Level 2 training course builds on the Level 1 Foundations in FASD course and presents evidence-based and practice-informed information that can be easily and effectively integrated into your practice and approach to working with individuals with FASD

  • TSAF pour les représentants du Solliciteur général – Niveau II

TSAF pour les représentants du Solliciteur général – Niveau II est une formation avancée destinée aux professionnels relevant du Solliciteur général. Cette formation de niveau II s’appuie sur le cours de niveau I Fondements du TSAF et présente des informations fondées sur des données probantes et éclairées sur la pratique qui peuvent être facilement et efficacement intégrées dans votre pratique et votre approche de travail avec les personnes atteintes de TSAF

  • FASD for School Staff Level II: Practical Strategies for the School Environment (Summer 2022)

FASD for School Staff Level II is an advanced training course intended for all educators working with students with FASD including all administrators, teachers, educational assistants, ECE’s, office admin, Board personnel and bus drivers. This Level 2 training course, building on the Level 1 Foundations in FASD course, provides the perspective of individuals who have FASD and their caregivers, is evidence-based and current, employs a culturally sensitive approach, and is presented in a way that is responsive to educators. This course was updated in 2022.

  • Identifying Best Practices for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Identifying Best Practices for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is designed for use by professionals working in the substance use, mental health, housing, employment, justice, and other service delivery fields. These settings provide ideal opportunities to implement brief, effective approaches to improve outcomes in preventing FASD, screening for FASD, and supporting success among individuals with FASD.

  • Identifier les meilleures pratiques pour les troubles du spectre de l’alcoolisation fœtale

Identifier les meilleures pratiques pour les troubles du spectre de l’alcoolisation fœtale (TSAF) est conçu pour être utilisé par des professionnels travaillant dans les domaines de la consommation de substances, de la santé mentale, du logement, de l’emploi, de la justice et d’autres domaines de la prestation de services. Ces contextes offrent des occasions idéales de mettre en œuvre des approches brèves et efficaces pour améliorer les résultats dans la prévention du TSAF, le dépistage du TSAF et le soutien à la réussite des personnes atteintes de TSAF.

  • The Prevention Conversation

The Prevention Conversation is an online training program for front-line health and social services professionals to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage their clients/patients in a supportive and non-judgmental conversation about alcohol use during pregnancy, its lasting effects on the developing child, and resources and supports available to women of childbearing age.

  • Substance Use and Treatment in FASD Level II

Substance Use and Treatment in FASD Level II is an advanced training course for frontline workers that work in substance use and addictions, however, this course is valuable for anyone who is supporting an individual with FASD who uses substances. This initiative has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.

  • Le traitement des troubles liés à l’usage de substances de le cadre du TSAF

Le traitement des troubles liées à l’usage de substances dans le cadre du TSAF Niveau II est un cours de formation avancée pour les travailleurs de première ligne travaillant dans le domaine de l’usage et de la dépendance aux substances. Cependant, ce cours est utile à toute personne qui soutient une personne atteinte du TSAF et qui consomme des substances. Cette initiative a été rendue possible grâce à une contribution financière de Santé Canada. Les opinions exprimées ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de Santé Canada.

Level 3: Specialized/Expert FASD Training

Niveau 3 : Formation spécialisée à l’intention des experts en TSAF

  • Multidisciplinary Training for Diagnosis of FASD

This online FASD curriculum is developed to assist professionals in learning the processes and procedures, and in developing the skillset, needed to be effective members of a multidisciplinary diagnostic team.

  • Formation équipe multidisciplinaire de diagnostic de TSAF

Ce programme en ligne sur le TSAF est conçu pour aider les professionnels à apprendre les processus, les procédures et à développer les compétences nécessaires pour devenir des membres efficaces d’une équipe de diagnostic multidisciplinaire. Le programme est conçu pour les professionnels de la santé clinique et paramédicaux qui travaillent actuellement dans des cliniques de TSAF ou pour ceux qui deviendront bientôt membres d’une clinique de diagnostic multidisciplinaire au Canada.

Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide

In collaboration with the Canada Northwest FASD Partnership, CanFASD has developed this resource and practice guide for frontline mental health counsellors/therapists, prevention mentors, crisis workers, community mental health providers and those who work directly with individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

A Digital Handbook on Wraparound Programs

Created as part of the Co-Creating Evidence project, this handbook supports the development, ongoing operation, and sustainability of wraparound programs for pregnant and/or early parenting women and gender diverse people with substance use and other concerns.

It is intended for program planners, managers and staff, service partners from a variety of health and social sectors, funders, researchers, community members, and families affected by perinatal substance use. is an interactive website that provides information across the spectrum and lifespan of individuals who have FASD. It summarizes some of the common neurobehavioral features from current research and explains some of the neurobehavioral difficulties. Not all individuals with FASD will experience all of the issues presented.

The site has an ages and stages interactive feature, as well as a wiki environment, that provides information on many of the life challenges individuals may face in areas such as health, education, life skills, housing, social relationships, employment, and mental health. Within the wiki environment, intervention options include: tips, resources, and links specific to each area of neurobehavioral challenge. was developed by CanFASD in conjunction with University of Alberta and Dr. Jacqueline Pei’s research team.

Caregiver Training –

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