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FASD Month 2024: Everyone Plays a Part this FASD Month

FASD Awareness Month is coming up quickly and we’re here to remind you that everyone can play a part this September! 

2024 FASD Month Theme 

Each year at CanFASD, we create a theme for FASD Month. This helps to focus our awareness efforts. A team of professionals and advocates help to create the theme, supported by research and evidence on FASD awareness.  

This year we wanted to remind everyone person that you can make a change. Your words and actions can help build a community that is both supportive of people with FASD and supportive of healthy pregnancies. In honor of this, our 2024 theme for FASD Month is Everyone Plays a Part 

Everyone Plays a Part 

Our theme goes beyond framing FASD as an individual issue, as the impacts of FASD matter to the whole community. Small changes that you make can help spark a bigger movement.  

Have a conversation with a neighbour or friend about FASD. Take a profession-specific online course to better support those with FASD, their loved ones, and those who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Talk to your Member of Parliament to help move FASD rights and supports forward in government! Together, these steps can shape a more equitable future for everyone.   

We have an interactive website that outlines how you can play your part this FASD Awareness Month. Whether you’re an employer, physician, partner, police officer, student, accountant, educator, or more, you can make a difference.  

Help us bring FASD into the spotlight this September.  

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