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New Issue Paper: Diagnostic Assessment of Preschoolers

New issue paper: Diagnostic Assessment of Preschoolers with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

CanFASD recently released a new issue paper Diagnostic Assessment of Preschoolers with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure. Below is a short summary. You can find the full issue paper here.


Diagnostic assessment of preschoolers (aged 0-5) with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can be an early opportunity to identify behaviour and learning challenges and provide appropriate early intervention. However, diagnostic assessment in this age group can be difficult. It is well established that early interventions and diagnosis are critical to supporting healthy outcomes in the future. However, there is a limited body of research focused on FASD diagnosis in preschool aged children and a reluctance among clinicians to provide a definitive diagnosis at this age.


Diagnostic Issues:

Researchers have shown that assessment and diagnosis in this age group is possible. However, clinicians often defer a diagnosis of FASD in preschoolers because current assessment tools may not detect developmental differences in language and learning at young ages.

Benefits of Early Diagnosis:

Early recognition and diagnosis are critical to ensuring early intervention, appropriate management, and dedicated support. Early diagnosis can:

Take Home Message

An FASD diagnosis in preschool aged children is possible, but further research and refinement for assessment is needed to support clinicians and diagnostic teams. Although identification and assessment of preschoolers is accompanied with complex risk factors, an early comprehensive assessment of cognitive and behavioural functioning in diagnosis will better inform and support optimal life outcomes.

For more information, including recommendations, please read the full issue paper here.

Authors: Ana Hanlon-Dearman, Kellsey Scheepers & Shae Mulvihill

Date: January 2023

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