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Celebrating Pride Month

We, as a network dedicated to promoting inclusivity and diversity, are thrilled to celebrate Pride Month this June. This month serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing and supporting all individuals. This is regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. At CanFASD, we recognize the intersectionality of identities. Individuals who belong to multiple marginalized communities face unique challenges. We believe that a commitment to inclusivity and understanding is essential for achieving true progress towards equality and social justice.

Internationally, there has been an increase in people identifying outside of the gender binary or with diverse sexual orientations. Individuals with disabilities, including people with FASD, remain underrepresented in policies, practices and research into this area. CanFASD has an issue paper on Sexual orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and FASD. In this gap analysis, the authors describe what is currently known about LGBTQIA2S+ issues among people with FASD. They have highlighted some key themes found in literature – we have summarized several of these below.

Intersectionality, Stigma, and Discrimination  

Unmet Health Needs


Although little research has been conducted to understand the prevalence and experiences of gender and sexual diversity within the disability community, it is evident that the intersectionality of disability and diverse LGBTQIA2S+ identities can result in experiences of stigmatization, discrimination, unmet health needs, and mental health concerns. An intersectional and human rights-based lens must be applied in research, policy, and practice to aid social transformation toward an inclusive society, especially for individuals with FASD. 

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