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Opportunity to star in our FASD Month 2024 Campaign!

With September fast approaching, we look forward to raising awareness of FASD throughout Canada and around the world. The CanFASD team is getting ready for a busy month of advocating and we would love you to be involved too! 

This year’s theme is “Everyone Plays a Part” – for us this means everyone in society can do things to support people with FASD and support initiatives to prevent FASD.  

What does “Everyone Plays a Part” mean to you? Create a video and tell us! We can then use this video in our social media campaign throughout the month of September. 

Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram provide a powerful platform to amplify voices and spark meaningful conversations. By creating a video, you will have the opportunity to showcase your creativity, share your unique perspective, and contribute to shaping a more inclusive society. 

Here are some tips for creating the perfect video: 

  1. Capture the audience’s attention with some eye-catching visuals and props  
  1. Be yourself! Showcase your unique personality and creativity 
  1. Make sure to mention that September is FASD Awareness Month! 

We also encourage you to review the CanFASD Common Messages Guide to ensure consistent and respectful messaging about FASD.

Email your video to Fiona at If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out! 

Video creation not your thing?  

You can also help us prepare for FASD Month by sharing any images of you and your friends wearing red shoes (these don’t need to include your face). The more content we can share that features the FASD community, the more successful our campaign will be! 

Thank you in advance for your collaboration. We can’t wait to see the amazing work that you come up with! 

Please note: we cannot guarantee that every video and image we receive will be shared by CanFASD. By submitting your video or image you have consented to having your video or image shared as part of marketing and communication materials for this and future campaigns. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please email

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