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Spotlight on organizations who involve people with lived experience

Group photo of some of the CanFASD team at the Canada FASD Conference

CanFASD is a firm believer in involving people with lived experience in the research that impacts them. This is why we were pleased to see the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research release an impressive list of other organisations that share this belief. 

The list highlights groups and organizations in Canada who involve people with lived and living experience (PWLLE) in their work.

The involvement of people with lived experience in CanFASD’s work has been instrumental in our sucesses. Our Family Advisory Committee and Adult FASD Expert Collaboration Team take a core role in everything we do.

The groups and organizations included in the PWLLE-involved groups in Canada resource involve PWLLE in some significant way. This includes general membership, leadership roles and other positions in between. Additionally, the organizations may have an interest in alcohol policy and/or working with people who use alcohol and other drugs.

While the list includes groups who do not directly focus their work on alcohol, their service users may be using alcohol. Overall, this resource intends to capture the scope and diversity of PWLLE-involved groups and may help facilitate connections. 

The PWLLE-involved groups in Canada list includes many FASD networks. Thus, we encourage you to explore and identify local organizations in your area that are actively including the voices of individuals with FASD in their work. Why not reach out and explore how you can get involved with these organizations? Collaboration is key to amplifying the voices of those with lived and living experience. Thank you to the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research for this excellent resource!

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