We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting abstract submissions for the Canada FASD Conference! The conference is November 7-9, 2023 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We are accepting submissions for both Research/Policy/Practice and Personal Experience.
Abstract submission
FASD touches many lives. To be successful in breaking down barriers, erasing stigma, and improving wellness, we need all people and perspectives working together. The goal of our conference is to ensure all voices connected to FASD have the opportunity to be heard.
We are accepting Research/Policy/Practice abstracts and Personal Experience abstracts. Individuals and teams are encouraged to submit abstracts that stimulate ideas and discussion, promote learning of knowledge and skills, and energize attendees to participate in debate and critical reflection.
Types of abstracts
For Research/Policy/Practice submissions, we are accepting abstracts for oral presentation, interactive learning workshops, and posters. Work submitted for presentation should not have been reported previously in a publication, either as an article or as an abstract. Presenters will need to clearly establish the applicable use of their work for the audience.
For Personal Experience abstracts we are inviting mothers, individuals with FASD and their families/caregivers to share their stories. We encourage different types of submissions, including posters, artwork, storytelling, or oral presentations.
Canada FASD Conference themes
The conference theme is Connect, Inspire, Innovate: From Evidence to Action. Focusing on work that has a tangible impact can help us envision and action a future where barriers are broken down and stigma is eliminated.
We want stories that can connect us, projects that will inspire us, and innovations that are moving the field forward. When we show how we can move from evidence to action, we can empower everyone.
Abstracts are welcome in all areas of FASD and FASD Prevention. The conference will focus on presentations in the following areas:
- Current trends and new issues
- Wellness including resiliency, physical health, and healthy approaches
- Reconciliation, community and culture-driven approaches
- Supporting at-risk or priority populations (e.g., youth and emerging adults, incarcerated and justice involved-persons, older adults, people who are unhoused, new Canadians, LGBTQ2S+, etc.)
- Stigma reduction and discrimination
- Innovative and novel approaches to delivering care
- The continuum of care: promoting health, services, and support across the lifespan
- Building capacity
- Clinical research
- Prevention efforts that span the spectrum of FASD prevention approaches
- Assessment and diagnosis
- Intersections of FASD with Child welfare, Justice, Housing, Employment, Education, and parenting
- International work; and
- Personal experience.
How to submit an abstract
You can submit an abstract on the conference website for both Personal Experience abstracts and Research/Policy/Practice abstracts. The deadline for abstract submissions is April 24, 2023.